
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Plug-and-play hatchery solutions for African catfish, tilapia, and other species

by Bas Weinans, Aquaculture ID, Netherlands

The Dutch company, Aquaculture ID, a branch of Fleuren and Nooijen, started as a hatchery for African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in 1986. Since then the company has developed into a company designing and constructing aquaculture production systems for a wide range of fish species.

Aquaculture ID has over 30 years of experience and focuses on commercial aquaculture. By exploiting expertise, the company is able to develop innovative and secure solutions to help fish farmers worldwide, achieving their goals.

The team at Aquaculture ID strongly believes in the beneficial use of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), especially for hatchery systems.

In early life stages of fish, the quality of husbandry conditions to a large extent determines the fitness, health and growth of fish in their later life. Water quality parameters such as pH, oxygen-, ammonium-, nitrite-, nitrate levels, conductivity and temperature need to be kept within optimal ranges to ensure the best growth conditions for each specific fish species.

Giving young fish the best growth conditions results in vital fingerlings, enabling fish farmers to deliver a stable and healthy product. Using RAS is a sophisticated way to control those conditions. Increased biosecurity, low water use and less wastewater production are also some of the other major advantages brought to us through RAS.

Plug-and-play hatchery solutions
Most hatcheries start small and then grow with increasing business. For small to medium-sized hatcheries, the installation costs to expand are relatively high. That is why Aquaculture ID developed the plug-and-play hatchery systems for African catfish and tilapia.

These are hatchery systems that are prefabricated and tested in their own well-equipped workshop. The plug-and-play hatchery systems are set up in a modular way. Each plug-and-play module is a small independent functioning RAS, with a fish tank, mechanical filtration, biological filter, pump tank, pump, UV-treatment and optional aeration devices. The systems are for both 110V and/or 220V electrical networks.

Read more, HERE.

The Aquaculturists

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