
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Banding together in times of crisis

by Constance Cullman, President and CEO, American Feed Industry Association

For the first time in recent memory Americans are seeing images of empty store shelves, long lines to get into stores, and closed restaurants.  The novel coronavirus pandemic has created concerns about the stability and safety of the nation’s food supply.

Nearly 17 million people who recently lost their jobs are now wondering if they can pay their basic bills. The truth is, Americans have a lot on their plates right now but wondering from where their next meal will come should not be one of them.  We in the animal food industry are working to make sure their actual plates are filled with the affordable and nutritious protein, aquaculture and dairy products that they have come to expect.

Like our counterparts in the human food industry, the animal feed and pet food industries are an “essential” business, keeping machines running at roughly 6,200 US manufacturing facilities.  Each day these facilities are producing feed for America’s livestock, poultry and fish as well as providing food and treats for our beloved animal companions. While roughly 945,000 employees are working around-the-clock to support the production of the US feed and food supply, the companies that employ them are taking extra precautions to keep them healthy so that they can continue reporting for duty.

However, maintaining a strong food supply is not all our industry is doing. I am proud to say that many of the American Feed Industry Association’s (AFIA) members are contributing time, resources and energy to serving Americans and the medical communities in other charitable ways.

Read more, HERE.

The Aquaculturists

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