The benefits of n-3 and Omega -3 series is well known, recent reports in the scientific literature on fish oils had caused a media storm. Suggesting that the levels of organic pollutants were higher than the European Unions (EU) maximum permitted levels, however those concerns were short lived as the evidence showed that the levels of organic pollutants found in the European salmon was all well below the EU maximum permitted levels.
Fish that are contaminated with high levels of organic pollutant are usually incinerated to prevent the contamination getting back into the environment. This is a wasteful method of a potential food source and has stimulated improvements in processing technologies to decontaminate these valuable oils. A new two-step process was used on the decontaminated the oils, this was then tested on the species known as the Atlantic salmon.
The diet was prepared by BioMar tech, Centre Denmark and used over the 11-week period. The study looked at diet and pollutant concentrations; the experiment was run for 11 weeks and the flesh was wrapped and stored at -20 and transported to Stirling University where they were analysed. The results of this research showed that highly nutritious farmed salmon could be reared using the decontaminated oils that are very low in organic pollutants.
This article was supported by, Ge PRO Aqua, Biomin P.E.P. and Sbae industries and the full article can be found at either International aquafeed online magazine, issuu or on docstoc.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Catfish farmers in Nigeria urge Federal Government for help
The Catfish farmers association of Nigeria (CAFAN), has urged the Federal Government to help by providing technical help and funds to improve aquaculture in Nigeria. The association has complained that Nigeria has become a dumping ground for substandard fish feed and fingerlings.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
New Coastal Policy Statement for New Zealand
The new New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) has been welcomed by the fisheries and aquaculture Minister Phil Heatley. He says 'he is pleased that the new statement aligns with Government objectives for aquaculture by recognising the importance of sustainable development, in aquaculture for economic growth'. Read more...
GM salmon update
Anastasia Bodnar writes an interesting article on the BioFortified site, the article on the proposed aqua-bounty salmonoid, showing that the Center for Food Safety (CFS) has a ‘new’ document written by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). In the document its points out that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knowingly withheld a federal biological opinion by the US Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS). Read more...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fire onboard Faroe fishing vessel
The Athena a factory ship from the Faroe Island, has suffered a fire at sea, 230 miles southwest of the Isle of Scilly, about 80 crew from the vessel have taken to lifeboats. No injuries have been reported about 30 crew have stayed on board to help fight the fire. Read more...
Scotland awarded £10.9 million funding
Scotland’s fisheries have been awarded £10.9 million which is to be shared between 144 companies, under the (EFF), European Fisheries Fund potentially safeguarding nearly 3,500 jobs. Fisheries secretary Richard Lochhead said ‘that the EFF funds will help the industry to invest and to increase production and bolster employment for Scotland’s fisheries and aquaculture industries’. Read more...
Pacific fisheries could collapse within 25 years
A new major study of the Pacific Island fisheries indicates that it could collapse within the next 25 years unless there is a concerted effort to perserve stocks. Reported on New Zealand radio the study covered oceanic, coastal, aquaculture and freshwater fisheries the study indicates that the fisheries agencies need to adapt. Read more...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Stirling's aquaculture MSc courses attracts twenty one nationalities this year
Stirling University's Institute of Aquaculture has twenty one new MSc students this year from twenty one different countries, the University continuing their role as an international leader in teaching aquaculture to the world. With over 35 years of experience and 700 aquaculturists already qualified from over 75 countries. Read more...
Oil still present in the Gulf of Mexico
Several days after it was claimed there was little surface oil still present in the Gulf of Mexico, photographs showed that the claim was incorrect and there are still vast tracks of oil present on the surface. Miles of long strings of weathered oil is heading towards the marshes on the Mississippi river delta, with thousands of migrating birds moving towards the region. Read more...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Peruvians to invest in Chilean aquaculture
Numerous large Peruvian fishing companies are interested in investing in Chilean aquaculture it was announced by the head of the Subsecretariat of Fisheries of Chile. The future of aquaculture is in the Pacific Ocean, putting Peru and Chile at an advantage, Pablo Galilea believes that the bilateral fishing relations have been strengthened between Peru and Chile. Read more...
Krill fishery in southern oceans closed
On October 10th an area of the Southern Oceans was closed due to the quota being reached for the Krill fishery. The total catch this year was just over 211,000 tonnes the highest krill catch for at least a decade. The fishery will be a key topic at the convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources (CCAMLR). Read more...
Friday, October 22, 2010
Salmon lost in truck crash, Holbart, Australia
A road accident in Holbart Australia ended with the loss of $A250,000 worth of salmon. The salmon was being transported to northern Tasmania for processing when the accident occurred at about 2:00am. Huon Aquaculture says there is nothing to worry about, the lost fish will be replaced and there should be no delay as the fish would not have been at the market until Monday. Read more...
Americans buying up Chinese Tilapia
Chinese raised Tilapia is being exported to America on a large scale and the US consumption of them keeps increasing. In 2009 the U.S. imported 404 million pounds of Tilapia, up from 298 million in 2005. As overfishing threatens the world's wild fisheries, aquaculture advocates say fish farms will play a far greater role in feeding people around the world. Read more...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Oil spill in the Gulf increases interest in Indiana shrimp
Indiana’s aquaculture industry could help fill a void in shrimp production after the devastation of the BP’s Gulf oil spill. Kwamena Quagrainie, aquaculture marketing director for Purdue University, said that people are concerned after the oil spill, about the quality of the seafood coming from the Gulf. He pointed out that there is a void to be filled, and that the aquaculture industry is in a good position to fill that gap. Read more...
New appointment for AgriMarine
AgriMarine has appointed a new acting senior advisor, Mr Philip M. Fitzpatrick will be acting senior advisor he has extensive seafood and food industry experience in roles with multinational companies. As well as being a seasoned industry professional in both aquaculture and marine fisheries. AgriMarine Holdings are delighted to have him in this role. Read more...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Aquaculture articles from the Aquafeed magazine
A technique to manufacture better quality feathermeal for fish feed
In recent times, with natural disasters and an economic 'situation' worldwide, the cost of fishmeal has skyrocket, which is affecting the aquaculture industry and demand is outstripping supply.
New revolutionary and innovative ways to find a cheaper alternative to fishmeal, reducing our dependency and improving the profitability plus sustainability of the aquaculture industry, are being studied and tested.
One of these revolutionary ideas on feathermeal was published in a recent article called 'Adding value to Feathermeal' by drying using optimal conditions using low temperature (LT) drying technology (Rebafka & Kulshreshtha, 2009).
Drying at low temperature causes less damage to the proteins and is quicker, at just a few minutes rather than 60 minutes drying time in a horizontal rotary disc dryer.
The major protein component in feathers is keratin that is not 'available' and is non- digestible by fish in its native form. But during the production process keratin is converted into a valuable feed protein. Often considered as an inferior source of protein for fish, the LT drying technique of the feathers has increased the essential amino acids (EAA) content.
Theoretical comparison between LT feathermeal and fishmeal indicate that the EAA in LT feathermeal exceeds those in fishmeal! Studies carried out on various combinations of fishmeal and feathermeal at Nam Sai Farms (Thailand) on the Nile Tilapia found that it is possible to have a 50/50 mix without losing performance.
Even though feathermeal is still not a favourable ingredient in aquafeed, its is a good suitable replacement for fishmeal with levels up to an inclusion of 10 percent in fish and shrimp formulations, which could reduce the cost for fishmeal. Also new ways of dealing with keratin need to be found and in the long run it could help to improve the quality of feathermeal in aquaculture.
In recent times, with natural disasters and an economic 'situation' worldwide, the cost of fishmeal has skyrocket, which is affecting the aquaculture industry and demand is outstripping supply.
New revolutionary and innovative ways to find a cheaper alternative to fishmeal, reducing our dependency and improving the profitability plus sustainability of the aquaculture industry, are being studied and tested.
One of these revolutionary ideas on feathermeal was published in a recent article called 'Adding value to Feathermeal' by drying using optimal conditions using low temperature (LT) drying technology (Rebafka & Kulshreshtha, 2009).
Drying at low temperature causes less damage to the proteins and is quicker, at just a few minutes rather than 60 minutes drying time in a horizontal rotary disc dryer.
The major protein component in feathers is keratin that is not 'available' and is non- digestible by fish in its native form. But during the production process keratin is converted into a valuable feed protein. Often considered as an inferior source of protein for fish, the LT drying technique of the feathers has increased the essential amino acids (EAA) content.
Theoretical comparison between LT feathermeal and fishmeal indicate that the EAA in LT feathermeal exceeds those in fishmeal! Studies carried out on various combinations of fishmeal and feathermeal at Nam Sai Farms (Thailand) on the Nile Tilapia found that it is possible to have a 50/50 mix without losing performance.
Even though feathermeal is still not a favourable ingredient in aquafeed, its is a good suitable replacement for fishmeal with levels up to an inclusion of 10 percent in fish and shrimp formulations, which could reduce the cost for fishmeal. Also new ways of dealing with keratin need to be found and in the long run it could help to improve the quality of feathermeal in aquaculture.
Iceland and Faroe increase their Mackerel quota
Iceland and the Faroe Islands decision to raise their quotas for Mackerel was met with anger and disbelief by the Scottish and Norwegian fisherman and the international environmental group WWF. Iceland's ministry of fisheries and agriculture raised their quota this year as no global quota had been reached. The EU fisheries chief Maria Damanaki said she was ready to go to battle, dubbing it the ‘Mackerel war’. Read more...
Aquaculture project causes sleepless nights
Proposed aquaculture oyster farm near Trenton has caused three sleepless nights so far. The public hearings for the lease of the proposed fifty acre site at Goose Cove, have lasted three nights and looks as though it may continue for a forth night as well. The project would start small but could utilise up to 5000 cages, to grow European and American flat oysters. Read more...
Aquaculture project causes sleepless nights
Proposed aquaculture oyster farm near Trenton has caused three sleepless nights so far. The public hearings for the lease of the proposed fifty acre site at Goose Cove, have lasted three nights and looks as though it may continue for a forth night as well. The project would start small but could utilise up to 5000 cages, to grow European and American flat oysters. Read more...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Harbor Branch Oceanographic get pearl grant
The Florida Legislature has awarded a grant to Harbor Branch oceanographic Institute to set up a queen conch pearl production and create a new industry. Early attempts to culture pearls from the queen conch had not been successful, however researchers at Harbor Branch a division of Florida Atlantic University developed a seeding technique, and produced more than 200 queen conch cultured pearls. Read more...
Summit to tackle human impact on ocean environment
In Nagoya, Japan the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) opened, the conference document describes the “urgent need to assess and monitor the impacts and risks of unsustainable human activities on marine and coastal biodiversity”. International governments will decide on measures to reduce the impact of humans on the oceans environment. The CBD is widely supported and was ratified by 193 countries. Read more...
Summit to tackle human impact on ocean environment
In Nagoya, Japan the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) opened, the conference document describes the “urgent need to assess and monitor the impacts and risks of unsustainable human activities on marine and coastal biodiversity”. International governments will decide on measures to reduce the impact of humans on the oceans environment. The CBD is widely supported and was ratified by 193 countries. Read more...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Aquaculture in Azerbaijan promoted by the USAID
USAID promotes the second aquaculture conference in the Zagatala district of Azerbaijan. The conference which is sponsored by the Economic Growth Program of the Baku Office of the US agency for international development. The USAID is proud to host the conference for Azerbaijani fish farmers to promote development of the aquaculture sector in the counter. Read more...
New fish feeds from fish byproducts
Scientists test fish by-products as a new source of fishfeed, the USDA funded scientists in Hawaii have been using tails, heads and bone and skin and internal organs that are normally disposed of and made them into a fishfeed for shrimp and fish. they have found that many of the Alaska fish parts work well as feeding stimulants, which help the shrimp eat plant based protein feeds. Read more...
One regional Voice and a new name
The fish farmers group, now known as the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association are planning to not only represent New Brunswick but to represent all regional finfish farmers in the area including Nova Scotia. The association executive director Pamela Parker said in a news release. "More and more finfish aquaculture companies farm in multiple provincial jurisdictions, and they are all facing similar issues, challenges and opportunities. Having a single, regional voice representing their interests with consumers, government agencies, communities and regulators is a positive and forward-thinking move." Read more...
Worldwildlife fund announce halfway point reached in global aquaculture
The WWF announced that they are at the halfway point to completing the finalization of eight sets of global aquaculture standards, addressing the potentially negative impacts of abalone farming on the environment. The announcement came after completion of certification standards for bivalves, pangasius and tilapia and other species were expected to be finalized by mid 2011. Read more...
New Zealand chainmail manufacturer looks towards fish-farming
New Zealand hi tech chainmail developer Kaynemaile is looking towards fish-farming as a potential customer for their seamless polycarbonate mesh. There could be many advantages to using this kind of material, it is strong flexible and easy to clean, it also could be used as a low maintenance environmentally friendly predator barrier against seals and sharks. Read more...
Fish farm plans challenged by animal welfare group
RSPCA are being urged to object by animal welfare groups to the planning application of a new fish farm in Berneray the Outer Hebrides. The planned location of this fish farm is near to the Seals breeding grounds, Glasgow-based Animal Concern has written to the RSPCA calling for a total no-kill policy in seal control at RSPCA Freedom Food endorsed salmon farms. The RSPCA has refused to back down. Read more...
Fish farm plans challenged by animal welfare group
RSPCA are being urged to object by animal welfare groups to the planning application of a new fish farm in Berneray the Outer Hebrides. The planned location of this fish farm is near to the Seals breeding grounds, Glasgow-based Animal Concern has written to the RSPCA calling for a total no-kill policy in seal control at RSPCA Freedom Food endorsed salmon farms. The RSPCA has refused to back down. Read more...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Advertiser Feature - Sizer Pelleting Solutions
Sizer Pelleting Solutions
Richard Sizer first set up a pioneering British company in Hull in 1899, he played a key role in the design and manufacture of the first pelleting machine in the 1920’s under the world famous brand Orbit. The design has continued to improve upto this present day, now part of the Newburgh Group who recently renamed as Sizer Pelleting Solutions from OSL pelleting after close consultation with customers.
The Sizer name is known worldwide and stands for quality, the versatility of the pelleting machines is shown in the materials that can be pelleted. Originally used only for animal feed.
Orbit Pelleting Press Sizer Pelleting Press
The Orbit presses are simple to use, easy to install and low maintenance their motor power range is from 37kw to 225kw. They are direct drive for maximum power transmission; the v belt drive options for variable die speed. With bespoke dies to suit a wide verity of materials.
Now almost anything can be pelleted from wood to waste, using pelleting technology waste can be turned into a valuable product, it reduces transport costs and storage space, handling characteristics are improved and a uniform material product is produced. Sizers new presses are good environmentally, for use in the home or business they are cost effective and space saving.
Advertiser Feature-Muyang
Jiangsu Muyang Group Co. Ltd

Muyang was founded in 1967, in the historic city of Yangzhou, now a major global company. Their activities cover research and development, project design, feed machinery manufacturing, installation engineering, storage, grain machinery, biomass engineering, environmental protection systems, conveying equipment, automatic control systems as well as steel structure engineering.
They have developed more than 100 series of feed and grain processing machines, 800 models. They have earned various national, provincial and international awards for their remarkable technological achievements. Among Muyang many products 18 were listed as the national new and high technology products in China, with over 400-patented technologies that helps to ensure their leading position. Meticulous and considerable design, excellent workmanship and highly controlled engineering process plus comprehensives service efforts have won for Muyang valuable awards in the form of market recognition and customer goodwill.

Fine-grinding hammer mill (SWFP series) Twin Screw Extruders (MY90X2 series)
Various types of grinding machines were developed and produced in 1967, then after 20 years of research and development they had three series of single and twin-screw extruders. Many of these products have been widely used in domestic and foreign feeds, food and other enterprises.
In 1994 Muyang developed the twin shaft paddle mixers and ten years later they developed the first double circle paddle mixer in the world.
Twin shaft paddle mixer (SLHSJ series) Double-circle paddle mixer (SJHS series)
Muyang is continuing to move forward in the development of more improved quality made machines. They export complete feed production lines or turn key projects to over 70 countries and in Europe they have obtained the CE certificate in order to expand the high-end business market. In the past few years they have increased their pace in technological innovations such as two heavy-duty laser cutters, digital bending machines, digital gun-drills they also owns the best painting and surface treatment facilities in the feed industry in China, they also obtained an ISO 9001-2000 in 2002.
In the future the Muyang Group will continue to move forward focusing on innovative design and excellent engineering along with high efficiency, towards it effort to achieve its goal of becoming a lead world class machine building and engineering corporation.

Muyang was founded in 1967, in the historic city of Yangzhou, now a major global company. Their activities cover research and development, project design, feed machinery manufacturing, installation engineering, storage, grain machinery, biomass engineering, environmental protection systems, conveying equipment, automatic control systems as well as steel structure engineering.
They have developed more than 100 series of feed and grain processing machines, 800 models. They have earned various national, provincial and international awards for their remarkable technological achievements. Among Muyang many products 18 were listed as the national new and high technology products in China, with over 400-patented technologies that helps to ensure their leading position. Meticulous and considerable design, excellent workmanship and highly controlled engineering process plus comprehensives service efforts have won for Muyang valuable awards in the form of market recognition and customer goodwill.

Fine-grinding hammer mill (SWFP series) Twin Screw Extruders (MY90X2 series)
Various types of grinding machines were developed and produced in 1967, then after 20 years of research and development they had three series of single and twin-screw extruders. Many of these products have been widely used in domestic and foreign feeds, food and other enterprises.
In 1994 Muyang developed the twin shaft paddle mixers and ten years later they developed the first double circle paddle mixer in the world.
Twin shaft paddle mixer (SLHSJ series) Double-circle paddle mixer (SJHS series)
Muyang is continuing to move forward in the development of more improved quality made machines. They export complete feed production lines or turn key projects to over 70 countries and in Europe they have obtained the CE certificate in order to expand the high-end business market. In the past few years they have increased their pace in technological innovations such as two heavy-duty laser cutters, digital bending machines, digital gun-drills they also owns the best painting and surface treatment facilities in the feed industry in China, they also obtained an ISO 9001-2000 in 2002.
In the future the Muyang Group will continue to move forward focusing on innovative design and excellent engineering along with high efficiency, towards it effort to achieve its goal of becoming a lead world class machine building and engineering corporation.
Anglian water power failure kills fish in river in Essex England
A power failure at Anglian water sewage treatment works caused an environmental incident in the River Wid in Essex England. Hundreds of fish and invertebrates were killed when raw sewage was discharged into the river during a power failure. The backup generator failed and as a consequence the sewage was discharged directly into the river. Read more...
UK fishing industry awarded £3.2 million grant
The English fishing industry was awarded a £3,2 million grant from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). A total of 11 projects was approved by the MMO, the largest project to be approved was the regeneration of Southwold Harbour area in Suffolk for £1.22 million. Read more...
UK fishing industry awarded £3.2 million grant
The English fishing industry was awarded a £3,2 million grant from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). A total of 11 projects was approved by the MMO, the largest project to be approved was the regeneration of Southwold Harbour area in Suffolk for £1.22 million. Read more...
Finland decrees new regulation on welfare of farmed fish
Finland passes new regulation for the welfare of farmed fish. This new regulation will look at how the fish is kept, minimum requirements for fish farm structures, equipment, remediation of water quality. It will also define the minimum requirements for monitoring and safeguards for the well being of the fish. This is the first legislation of its kind relating to the welfare of fish. Read more...
Finding alternative fish feeds from plant proteins
Feeding fish in fish farms is an environmental issue, this is due to the fact that smaller species are used in the feed, as fishmeal and fish oil. Now researchers and aquaculturists are working to find new alternatives in the form of plant proteins. ARS aquaculture scientists are working to develope fish feeds that don’t include fishmeal. One problem is that different species of fish have different nutritional requirements, William Wolters, research leader said that the new modern diets are working better than the previous diets did. Read more...
Kenyans see fish prices rise
In Kenya the Government are now considering an aquaculture program as a viable option for reducing the cost of fish. In recent time the Kenyan consumers have seen the price of their favorite fish Tilapia, Nile Perch and Dagaa increase, by three to four percent. According to Dr Richard Abila the use of Aquaculture would ease the pressure on the lakes. Read more...
Kenyans see fish prices rise
In Kenya the Government are now considering an aquaculture program as a viable option for reducing the cost of fish. In recent time the Kenyan consumers have seen the price of their favorite fish Tilapia, Nile Perch and Dagaa increase, by three to four percent. According to Dr Richard Abila the use of Aquaculture would ease the pressure on the lakes. Read more...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Barramundi: The anti salmon
Joshua Goldman the chief executive officer of Australis Aquaculture after three years of searching for a better fish, after fifty candidates, he chooses the Barramundi. A native of Southeast Asia, Northern Australia. In terms of biological needs, barramundi are anti salmon they have the ability to turn vegetarian feed into much sought after omega-3 fatty acids. They require less feed per pound than farmed salmon do. Read more...
Nova Scotia aquaculture opens its doors to the public
Three fish farms in Nova Scotia Canada will open their doors to the public for tours, allowing for a better understanding of aquaculture and for the people to see the environmentally and economically sustainable industry. Sterlin Belliveau Minster of Fisheries and Aquaculture said, “I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to visit a fish farm and learn about aquaculture from local experts.” Read more…
Marine Harvest files complaint with ESA and EFTA
Farming salmon giants Marine Harvest filed complaints on outdated ownership restrictions that will not allow them to be part of the consolidation of the industry. The firm’s complaint specifies that the current regulation violates article 31 and Article 40 of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement. Read more...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
PhD from Plymouth UK gets aquaculture job in Nelson New Zealand
Dr Mark Burdass will be the head of a new aquaculture program in Nelson New Zealand, he will move to New Zealand in December. Dr Burdass helped to design the Nelson Marlborough Institute of technology (NMIT) diploma of aquaculture program. The diploma will be the only aquaculture qualification at this level in New Zealand, and has already attracted interest from prospective students. Dr Burdass is recognised internationally as a leader in his field of marine-farming teaching. Read more...
EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroes will discuss mackerel quotas for 2011 crucial for Scotland
The Scottish fishing federation and the Scottish Pelagic Fisherman's Association will begin talks on the 12th October over the quotas on mackerel for 2011. They will be pressing for a deal that does not jeopardise Scotland's share in the fishery, but also to protect the fishery for the future and to challenge the irresponsible actions of Iceland and the Faroes. Read more...
EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroes will discuss mackerel quotas for 2011 crucial for Scotland
The Scottish fishing federation and the Scottish Pelagic Fisherman's Association will begin talks on the 12th October over the quotas on mackerel for 2011. They will be pressing for a deal that does not jeopardise Scotland's share in the fishery, but also to protect the fishery for the future and to challenge the irresponsible actions of Iceland and the Faroes. Read more...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Advertiser Feature - Aquativ-SPF
SPF was created in 1996 as part of the Diana Ingredients group; Aquativ-SPF manufactures a range of hydrolysates products specifically for the aquaculture market. ACTIPAL improve the performance of all types of feed, keeping the nutritional elements essential to the critical stages in a fish or shrimp development.
When adding antibiotics to a feed it can cause a problem and stop the fish feeding this affects growth and the efficiency of the antibiotics. Actipal has been designed to mask the taste of antibiotics; this makes it more effective when there is a need to use antibiotics in the feed and it also solves the problem of the fish not feeding and restores the palatability of the medicated feed.
Also to solve problems with fishmeal substations Aquativ developed functional hydrolysates, which restore palatability and nutritional properties of feed achieving optimal growth performance and farm productivity.
The Actipal range comes in three variants, each is adapted to a particular main aquaculture species. Actipal Shrimp range of functional hydrolysates. Then there is an Actipal for Fish Carnivorous: Salmonids and marine fishes (salmon, trout, seabass, seabream and tuna), and for Fish Omnivorous: mainly freshwater (tilapia, catfish).
Aquativ functional hydrolysates can be used to boost the natural active nutrients in the feed formula, to offset fishmeal quality variation, and in substitution for fishmeal it restores an efficient natural active nutrient level and maintains the feeds performance
SPF was created in 1996 as part of the Diana Ingredients group; Aquativ-SPF manufactures a range of hydrolysates products specifically for the aquaculture market. ACTIPAL improve the performance of all types of feed, keeping the nutritional elements essential to the critical stages in a fish or shrimp development.
When adding antibiotics to a feed it can cause a problem and stop the fish feeding this affects growth and the efficiency of the antibiotics. Actipal has been designed to mask the taste of antibiotics; this makes it more effective when there is a need to use antibiotics in the feed and it also solves the problem of the fish not feeding and restores the palatability of the medicated feed.
Also to solve problems with fishmeal substations Aquativ developed functional hydrolysates, which restore palatability and nutritional properties of feed achieving optimal growth performance and farm productivity.
The Actipal range comes in three variants, each is adapted to a particular main aquaculture species. Actipal Shrimp range of functional hydrolysates. Then there is an Actipal for Fish Carnivorous: Salmonids and marine fishes (salmon, trout, seabass, seabream and tuna), and for Fish Omnivorous: mainly freshwater (tilapia, catfish).
Aquativ functional hydrolysates can be used to boost the natural active nutrients in the feed formula, to offset fishmeal quality variation, and in substitution for fishmeal it restores an efficient natural active nutrient level and maintains the feeds performance
Advertiser Feature - Nutriad
Nutriad started in 1963 as a pioneer in concentrated feed solutions (under the feed flavour brand) and were the developer of high intensity sweeteners. In 2008 INVE Aqua Additives Joined Nutriad to establish Nutriad Aqua Feed Additives a major force in aquaculture products.
AQUAGEST is a range of digestibility enhancers based on a combination of natural emulsifiers, digestive phytobiotics and co-factors of digestion and tailored to optimally complement the digestive capabilities of each target aquaculture species.
AQUABITE is a range of feed intake and enhancers made for fish and shrimp, formulated and based on concentrated natural and synthetic products. That enhances palatability and appetite.
AQUASTIM is a product line of natural potent immunostimulants, developed for fish and shrimp to boost their immune responses and stress resistance.
NUTRIBIND are a range products based on components that produce a dispersed solution with different levels of viscosity to improve binding characteristics to stick feed particles together after conditioning.
Nutriad started in 1963 as a pioneer in concentrated feed solutions (under the feed flavour brand) and were the developer of high intensity sweeteners. In 2008 INVE Aqua Additives Joined Nutriad to establish Nutriad Aqua Feed Additives a major force in aquaculture products.
AQUAGEST is a range of digestibility enhancers based on a combination of natural emulsifiers, digestive phytobiotics and co-factors of digestion and tailored to optimally complement the digestive capabilities of each target aquaculture species.
AQUABITE is a range of feed intake and enhancers made for fish and shrimp, formulated and based on concentrated natural and synthetic products. That enhances palatability and appetite.
AQUASTIM is a product line of natural potent immunostimulants, developed for fish and shrimp to boost their immune responses and stress resistance.
NUTRIBIND are a range products based on components that produce a dispersed solution with different levels of viscosity to improve binding characteristics to stick feed particles together after conditioning.
Advertiser Feature - Lallemand
Lallamand is a feed and food industry pioneer ; they offer a range of products to improve animal health and performance. Founded in 1915 Lallamand has become a global company with 5 major divisions covering USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe and South Africa and have many animal nutrition products especially in aquaculture in its range, derived from yeasts and bacteria.
In 1987 Lallamand were the first in the world to use DNA fingerprinting of each of its individual yeast and bacteria strains on an industrial scale, this reinforced their credibility of the large variety of yeast strains, which contributed to the success of its speciality products. During the 1990, Levucell and Bactocell were developed for animal probiotic market, and then in 2008/09 Bactocell was the first probiotic to be approved in Europe for use in aquaculture.
Levucell SB is used in aquaculture and acts as a shield in the gut of the fish reinforcing the microbial ecosystem and protecting the animals' digestive tract. It was also found to increase the fish's resistance to some infections.
Bactocell is a lactic acid bacterium used to strengthen the aquatic ecosystems. It also strengthens the gut microflora, with a positive impact on pathogens control and feed digestibility. Bactocell also regulates the microbial ecosystems of tanks and ponds and reduces undesirable microorganisms.
Alkosel is an inactive whole cell yeast product that when used with salmonid has shown to decrease mortality and increases resistance to pathogens and immunity.
Agrimos is specific yeast based feed ingredient that when used in aquaculture it has shown positive impact on survival rates following pathogen challenges. It is recommended for use with all farmed species.
Fibosel is used in aquaculture diets and it has activated B-glucans, which has been extensively tested in trout and salmon during challenging and stressful periods and has been found to limit the probability of viral, bacterial and parasiatic outbreaks that enhance substantially fish and shrimp survival rate.
Laltide has been shown to improve resistance to disease; also growth rate and survival rates are significantly improved under semi-intensive breeding conditions and during stressful times.
Lallamand is a World leader in the development of yeast and bacterial treatments for aquaculture with a large comprehensive range of products, developed for specific target areas in the aquaculture industry.
Lallamand is a feed and food industry pioneer ; they offer a range of products to improve animal health and performance. Founded in 1915 Lallamand has become a global company with 5 major divisions covering USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe and South Africa and have many animal nutrition products especially in aquaculture in its range, derived from yeasts and bacteria.
In 1987 Lallamand were the first in the world to use DNA fingerprinting of each of its individual yeast and bacteria strains on an industrial scale, this reinforced their credibility of the large variety of yeast strains, which contributed to the success of its speciality products. During the 1990, Levucell and Bactocell were developed for animal probiotic market, and then in 2008/09 Bactocell was the first probiotic to be approved in Europe for use in aquaculture.
Levucell SB is used in aquaculture and acts as a shield in the gut of the fish reinforcing the microbial ecosystem and protecting the animals' digestive tract. It was also found to increase the fish's resistance to some infections.
Bactocell is a lactic acid bacterium used to strengthen the aquatic ecosystems. It also strengthens the gut microflora, with a positive impact on pathogens control and feed digestibility. Bactocell also regulates the microbial ecosystems of tanks and ponds and reduces undesirable microorganisms.
Alkosel is an inactive whole cell yeast product that when used with salmonid has shown to decrease mortality and increases resistance to pathogens and immunity.
Agrimos is specific yeast based feed ingredient that when used in aquaculture it has shown positive impact on survival rates following pathogen challenges. It is recommended for use with all farmed species.
Fibosel is used in aquaculture diets and it has activated B-glucans, which has been extensively tested in trout and salmon during challenging and stressful periods and has been found to limit the probability of viral, bacterial and parasiatic outbreaks that enhance substantially fish and shrimp survival rate.
Laltide has been shown to improve resistance to disease; also growth rate and survival rates are significantly improved under semi-intensive breeding conditions and during stressful times.
Lallamand is a World leader in the development of yeast and bacterial treatments for aquaculture with a large comprehensive range of products, developed for specific target areas in the aquaculture industry.
Advertiser Feature - Beneo Animal Nutrition
BENEO-Animal Nutrition
BENEO-Animal Nutrition is part of the Südzucker group a worldwide organisation, which for more than 100 years has been working to improve animal health through new innovative and improved ingredients in aquatic feeds. BENEO-Animal Nutrition is a producer of petfood, agrifeed and aquafeed they specialise in ingredients such as vegetable proteins, functional fibres, and prebiotics from chicory and carbohydrates.
Orafti® Inulin, Orafti® Oligofructose and Orafti® Prebiotics Chicory Root, are a group of products from Beneo that aid in the health and wellbeing in aquaculture of the fish by improving the gut, making it healthier and allowing for optimum growth and performance, which improves resistance to disease and is less toxic. Both Inulin and Oligofructose are dietary fibres that positively affect the waste material making it less malodorous and helps support a regular defecation pattern that helps in the comfort of the animal.
BeneoPro W is wheat gluten Vegetable protein that has been used as a viable alternative to substitute a large part of fishmeal in salmonid diets. It has also been used with bass and bream BeneoPro W is concentrated and easily digestible protein that gives aquafeed functional properties, which represents added value in salmonid feeds, shrimp feed and eel feed.
RemyPro N70 is a concentrated rice protein product that is used in high quality speciality aquafeeds. The use of rice protein has been shown to be very effective and has been used to replace upto 20 percent fishmeal with out affecting growth or fillet quality.
Another excellent product from Beneo is RemyLive is an innovative ingredient rice bran designed for a number of different feed uses, containing all the nutritional power of rice in condensed form. It has complex carbohydrates and has an excellent balance between insoluble and soluble fibers. Rich in vitamins and vitamin E complex and natural anti-oxidants with a high fat content it is easily digestible, it stimulates a healthy function of the digestive system.
BENEO-Animal Nutrition is part of the Südzucker group a worldwide organisation, which for more than 100 years has been working to improve animal health through new innovative and improved ingredients in aquatic feeds. BENEO-Animal Nutrition is a producer of petfood, agrifeed and aquafeed they specialise in ingredients such as vegetable proteins, functional fibres, and prebiotics from chicory and carbohydrates.
Orafti® Inulin, Orafti® Oligofructose and Orafti® Prebiotics Chicory Root, are a group of products from Beneo that aid in the health and wellbeing in aquaculture of the fish by improving the gut, making it healthier and allowing for optimum growth and performance, which improves resistance to disease and is less toxic. Both Inulin and Oligofructose are dietary fibres that positively affect the waste material making it less malodorous and helps support a regular defecation pattern that helps in the comfort of the animal.
BeneoPro W is wheat gluten Vegetable protein that has been used as a viable alternative to substitute a large part of fishmeal in salmonid diets. It has also been used with bass and bream BeneoPro W is concentrated and easily digestible protein that gives aquafeed functional properties, which represents added value in salmonid feeds, shrimp feed and eel feed.
RemyPro N70 is a concentrated rice protein product that is used in high quality speciality aquafeeds. The use of rice protein has been shown to be very effective and has been used to replace upto 20 percent fishmeal with out affecting growth or fillet quality.
Another excellent product from Beneo is RemyLive is an innovative ingredient rice bran designed for a number of different feed uses, containing all the nutritional power of rice in condensed form. It has complex carbohydrates and has an excellent balance between insoluble and soluble fibers. Rich in vitamins and vitamin E complex and natural anti-oxidants with a high fat content it is easily digestible, it stimulates a healthy function of the digestive system.
Martha’s Vineyard ponds to host winter flounder.
Martha’s Vineyard/Dukes County fishermen’s association are working with the University of New Hampshire to save the Winter Flounder, which was once so abundant in Martha’s Vineyard waters. The project which starts on November 1st will be in two phases, first part of the project will be to study the two ponds the Lagoon and Menemsha and the second part will be to raise and release tagged winter flounder into the two ponds. Read more...
Aquaculture investment gets backing from Shetland Council.
Two aquaculture enterprises have secured new investment from the Shetland Islands Council, a mussel farm the North Atlantic Shellfish will expand its mussel farming business. Also there will be a new state of the arts 100 percent water recirculation salmon hatchery facility at Girlsta. Read more...
Aquaculture investment gets backing from Shetland Council.
Two aquaculture enterprises have secured new investment from the Shetland Islands Council, a mussel farm the North Atlantic Shellfish will expand its mussel farming business. Also there will be a new state of the arts 100 percent water recirculation salmon hatchery facility at Girlsta. Read more...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Aquaculture - Book Review blog
OECD and French host two-day symposium on aquaculture in Paris 2010
OECD Committee for Fisheries jointly - with the French Ministry for Food Agriculture and Fisheries - hosted a two day symposium on 'Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda: Policies to ensure sustainable aquaculture sector'. Attended by 80 delegates from 25 countries, this two-day event looked at key issues in policy and the regulations and discussed the lessons learned and the potential areas for improvement.
OECD Committee for Fisheries jointly - with the French Ministry for Food Agriculture and Fisheries - hosted a two day symposium on 'Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda: Policies to ensure sustainable aquaculture sector'. Attended by 80 delegates from 25 countries, this two-day event looked at key issues in policy and the regulations and discussed the lessons learned and the potential areas for improvement.
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