
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Iowa gets its first commercial-scale aquaculture business

After three years of seeking a way to turn three empty confinement buildings into a revenue-generating facilities, two cousins Mark and Jeff Nelson have created Iowa's first commercial-scale aquaculture business. "We looked at everything," Mark Nelson said, "even cattle." But what they settled on was fish-hybrid striped bass, to be specific.
Hybrid striped bass
It'll take two weeks to grow the needed bacteria cultures before the fish are introduced to the 12 tanks waiting for them, said Rick Sheriff, of Parchman, "Most people think we raise fish here," Sheriff said. "But we're growing bacteria, and the bacteria take care of the fish." The microscopic "bugs" consume the nitrites the fish put into the water, converting them to nitrates which are not bothersome to the fish. Read more ...

This blog is written by Martin Little, The Aquaculturists, published and supported by the International Aquafeed Magazine from Perendale Publishers. To get your copy of 'PPLAPP' click here.
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1 comment:

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