The Latin American and Caribbean Aquaculture 2018 - LACQUA18 is close to take place in Bogotá, Colombia at the Agora International Convention Center from October 23 to 26, 2018
LACQUA18 will be a important aquaculture event taking place next month Image Credit: Thomas Quine |
This important event covers different areas of aquaculture, and LACQUA18 have recently revealed some of the companies and individuals who will be present for the event.
Dr. Albert G.J. Tacon, the Director of Aquatic Farms Ltd in Hawaii, will be delivering talks at the LACQUA18. He currently serves as Scientific Advisor on Aquatic Resources to the International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden (since 1998), is Editor in Chief of Reviews in Aquaculture, serves on the editorial board of Aquaculture Nutrition and Aquaculture Research, is on the board of directors of the World Aquaculture Society and the charity Aquaculture without Frontiers.
During the congress special sessions will also take place, among which will have "Technological advances in the intensive production of tilapia in South America - Genetics, market, vaccines and vaccination" (MSD - Merck); "Protease in aquafeed: A solution for better economy and environment" (JEFO Nutrition., Inc.); "Nutrition ingredients" (Darling Ingredients): "Hatchery" (Zeigler Bros., Inc) and "Health management" (Phibro Animal Health Corporation).
So far, more than 450 abstracts of research results have been submitted on subjects such as South American native fishes, shrimp culture, recirculation systems - RAS, fish nutritional needs, aquaculture in indigenous communities, biofloc, aquaponics and processing technologies, amongst others. These abstracts have been sent by academics from a variety institutions such as the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and Universidad del Magdalena.
In the last decade, fish production in Colombia has increased at an average annual rate of 8.54 percent, accompanying the global growth trend. The LACQUA18 is a vital business opportunity for the sector, having the commercial exhibit, with the presence of national and foreign companies who represent the whole aquaculture chain.
LACQUA18 are pleased to confirm the participation of companies such as Ictyopharma, Xpertsea, Hipra, Flint Hill Resources, Cipa, Aqua Center, Agrarian Bank, Jefo, Faivre, Fisanet, Darling, TGV, Acqua & Co, Prilabsa, Haxada - Nutreco, Italcol , MSD, Andritz, Tecnoaqua, Proplantas, Xylem, Pharvet, Wenger, Kaeser Compressors, Artkom, USSEC, Aker Biomarine and Quimtia, and many more.
Read more about LACQUA18 HERE.