
Monday, June 7, 2021

Remote technology helps to put fish health and welfare first

Smart Glasses technology to facilitate remote auditing has helped a leading salmon processor maintain fish health and welfare through a difficult year.

Emily Underhill
Image credit: Grieg Seafood
Grieg Seafood took up the opportunity to use Smart Glasses during their recent vaccination event, as site visits were restricted. Due to its success, they will be continuing to use this technology.

'Fish health and welfare is a key priority for Grieg Seafood. The use of Smart Glasses has enabled our team to maintain their high standards throughout these challenging times,' explains Emily Underhill, senior technician and fish health coordinator at Grieg Seafood.

'The camera sees exactly what you're seeing, so the auditor can view the fish in great detail and thoroughly assess accuracy. For us, one of the key benefits of the device is that it allows us to access immediate support from the MSD Animal Health technical team, without waiting for someone to reach the site.'

MSD Animal Health UK, a division of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, N.J., USA, teamed up with Grieg Seafood to trial this new assessment tool to better support customers.

'Smart Glasses are a hands-free, wearable device, which are controlled via voice command. Once the glasses are set-up, the user, whether that be a farmer, manager or vet, wears the device during vaccination events,' says Claudia Marin, aquaculture field technical at MSD Animal Health UK.

Ms Marin explains that during the past year it has been challenging to visit customers, so MSD Animal Health wanted to develop a method which would allow them to maintain excellent fish health and welfare, without having to visit the site.

'Initially, we carried out numerous trials with Smart Glasses before approaching Grieg Seafood. We then gave Emily and her team a great deal of support to make sure they fully understood the technology before the actual vaccination event, and once they got going, they've found the device extremely easy to use,' says Ms Marin.

To find out more visit the MSD website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists

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