Tuesday, October 15, 2024

AquaFarm 2025 joins NovelFarm & AlgaeFarm

October 15, 2024 - AquaFarm, the International conference & trade show on aquaculture and sustainable fishing industry announced the dates for the eighth edition and joins forces with NovelFarm & AlgaeFarm, the exhibitions dedicated to controlled environment agriculture and cultivation of algae and other microorganisms. The events are scheduled February 12-13, at Pordenone Exhibition Centre.

The decision to bring together the three events dedicated to innovation in sustainable food production comes from the increasingly strong synergy between the three sectors. Aquaculture and hydroponics are closely intertwined in aquaponics, the cultivation and breeding in the same controlled environment of fish and plants, but also molluscs, algae and mushrooms, building artificial ecosystems where the waste of one species constitutes the nourishment of another, with high food productivity. Fish farming and algaculture are also increasingly becoming synergetic, just consider the importance of microalgae in the production of fish feed with zero impact on ocean resources.

The common thread linking the three events is environmental change. For aquaculture and shellfish farming, the leading players of AquaFarm, the modification of aquatic habitats due to climate, man-made pollution and the intrusion of new species brought in by sea trade have already had major impacts, such as the very serious losses in shellfish production, especially clams, due to the blue crab. Farmers, suppliers and research centres are engaged in a unanimous effort to find mitigations to these phenomena.

Controlled environment cultivation has one of its main raisons d'ĂȘtre and its main economic strength in its reduced impact on the natural system. It is not just a matter of saving water and nutrients and eliminating the use of agrochemicals. By disconnecting cultivation from the soil, a farm can be installed close to places of consumption, reducing the impact of the logistics chain, resulting in less pollution, energy consumption and congestion. It is also worth remembering that the stage of the food chain where there is the most loss and waste is transport. Less transport therefore equals less waste of food.

Cultivated algae are a virtuous response to environmental changes as well, as they allow proteins, fats (such as Omega-3) and active ingredients to be produced directly, without the need to obtain them from animal or plant sources higher up the trophic chain, with less impact and greater efficiency.

Not everything will turn out to be related to climate in the upcoming edition. Aquaculture and shellfish farming guarantee good, healthy, more controlled and short-chain food when produced in Italy. Products from vertical farms are better in every aspect than comparable from traditional techniques: no residues, constant and perfectly controlled organoleptic characteristics, no contaminants such as nickel and other heavy metals. Microalgae makes active ingredients such as antioxidants and useful materials for the pharmaceutical, food and fine chemicals industries available at lower costs than traditional sources.

Climate research and innovation will be discussed in Pordenone, but also self-production of energy in livestock farms including farms when controlled environment, animal welfare, technologies and animal/human nutrition, reducing the use of plastics. The packed conference program will flank an international exhibition area. Another important theme will be the use of artificial intelligence and autonomous robotics in numerous fields, from breeding and crop management to genetic improvement. Also confirmed the area dedicated to universities with the possibility of exhibiting scientific posters and the show cooking Arena, where national production excellence can be tasted.

For more information and to register, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

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