Wednesday, January 31, 2018

01/02/2018: Producing more protein in a sustainable manner

“The global sustainability challenge for animal protein production is significant,” said Perry Goldschein, applied sustainability manager, North America, BASF Nutrition & Health, at the Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit, held at the 2018 International Production & Processing Expo.

During his presentation on “Responding to Livestock Sustainability Trends in North America,” Mr Goldschein reviewed a sustainability trend structure that addressed stakeholder demand versus urgency of issues. He observed that stakeholder pressure focused on topics such as animal welfare, feed contamination, emissions, water, land use and more. He also provided insights into key trends addressing consumer trust, leadership opportunities and environmental impacts of cost beyond compliance.

Perry Goldschein, applied sustainability manager, North America, BASF Nutrition & Health, and Sara Crawford, assistant vice president of social responsibility for the National Pork Board, speaking at the Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit. 
Image credit: IPPE

Sara Crawford, assistant vice president of social responsibility for the National Pork Board, provided a look into the current pork industry. She remarked that the pork industry is booming and can keep up with increased consumer demand for red meat, especially pork. The industry sees this demand growing internationally.

She discussed the National Pork Board’s five-year strategic plan that includes three distinct goals: build consumer trust, drive sustainable production and grow consumer demand.

“Consumers do not demand perfection, but they do expect honest intent with action,” said Ms Crawford.

Ashley McDonald, senior director of sustainability for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, provided information on the US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef including the Roundtable’s mission, which is to advance, support and communicate continuous improvement in the sustainability of US beef production, by educating and engaging the beef value-chain through a collaborative multi-stakeholder effort.

One of the Roundtable’s main goals is to bring everyone together to share information and insights. The group’s high priority indicators for measurement include animal health and wellbeing, efficiency and yield, water and land resources, air and GHG emissions, and employee safety and wellbeing.

During his presentation on “Advancing Dairy’s Sustainability Framework in a Changing Landscape,” Joe McMahan, sustainability director with the Innovation Center for US Dairy, remarked that stewardship and sustainability is foundational to US Dairy.

McMahan disclosed the dairy industry’s commitment to reduce greenhouse emissions of a gallon of milk by 25 percent by the year 2020. He also discussed US Dairy’s guiding principles that communicate the dairy industry’s values and definition of sustainability to its stakeholders, which are the pillars of the dairy industry’s framework and are designed to inform their sustainability programs, measurement and reporting efforts.

Dr. Marty Matlock, executive director, University of Arkansas Office for Sustainability, and Greg Thoma, Bates Teaching Professor of Chemical Engineering for the University of Arkansas, highlighted the expanded results of a retrospective analysis of US poultry production, with a lifecycle assessment methodology used to document changes in environmental key performance indicators in the industry from 1965 to 2010. They also provided information on a broiler production model for estimating environmental footprint on farms. 

Visit the IPPE website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

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01/02/2018: AFIA/Feedstuffs name Sanderson Farms as 2017 feed facility of the year

The American Feed Industry Association is proud to announce that Sanderson Farms of Collins, Mississippi, has been named the 2017 Feed Facility of the Year (FFY) 

Gary Huddleston, AFIA’s director of feed manufacturing and regulatory affairs, announced the winner during AFIA’s Feed Education Program, being held today as part of the International Production & Processing Expo, happening this week in Atlanta, Georgia.

Cosponsored by AFIA and Feedstuffs, the FFY award recognises overall excellence in feed manufacturing operations. It emphasises the company’s commitment to safety, quality, regulatory compliance and employee development and highlights the facility’s overall operating efficiencies. To date, only 32 facilities have received this industry best practices award. 

Sanderson Farms of Collins,
Mississippi, has been named
the 2017 Feed Facility of the 
Image credit: AFIA
 “Sanderson Farms demonstrates excellence in each of the areas the Feed Facility of the Year program measures,” said AFIA’s President and CEO Joel G. Newman. “They quickly rose to the top of this year’s competition, and we are happy to present the company with this award.”

Sanderson Farms’ Collins facility produces more than 400,000 tons of poultry feed each year. As one of Sanderson Farms’ eight feed mills, the facility processes 455 acres-worth of corn each day. It also serves as the grain delivery point for the company’s Laurel, Mississippi, facility.

There are many factors that helped Sanderson Farms achieve the FFY award, including some of its work to boost employee engagement and promote morale. According to feed mill manager William “Bill” Bray, employees are included in daily conversations about safety, and the company’s training programs allow supervisors to assist employees by providing personal attention. Facility personnel are encouraged to offer suggestions for improvements while reviewing and implementing changes.

Mr Bray said Sanderson Farms reviews a variety of metrics daily, weekly, quarterly and annually to maximise efficiency and maintain or increase performance. These metrics include inbound ingredient specifications, ingredient moisture, mixer analyses on specified ingredients, weekly tons of feed produced, labour costs, feed conversion rates, utility usage and performance, and delivery costs.

Sanderson Farms also places a priority on promoting community involvement.

“We participate in many functions at the local level and encourage our employees to become involved in their community,” Mr Bray said.

Formerly the Feed Mill of the Year Award, AFIA and Feedstuffs modified the program in 2016, and it is now recognised as a first-class benchmarking program for the animal food industry. Representing each of the several types of feed manufacturing facilities within AFIA’s membership, the improved format compares and recognises top-performing facilities in four categories: commercial dry livestock, integrator, liquid feed and premix. From those, the FFY award is selected.

AFIA recognised the category winners earlier this month and honored them with plaques at today’s Feed Education program. Sanderson Farms topped the integrator category; ADM Animal Nutrition of Cordele, Georgia, won the commercial dry livestock feed plant category; Westway Feed Products of Dimmit, Texas, won the liquid feed plant category for the second consecutive year; and Animix LLC of Juneau, Wisconsin, won the premix manufacturing plant category.

AFIA and Feedstuffs have conducted the FFY, and its predecessor program, since 1985, recognising 70 companies for outstanding performance in animal food manufacturing. More information on the FFY program, as well as a list of past winners, can be found on AFIA’s website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

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01/02/2018: Lipid polarity in 2018

by Ioannis Zabetakis

2018 is going to be a great year; a year where the myth of cholesterol, statins and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) will become much weaker and research will further focus to other cardiovascular risk factors different to cholesterol

At the end of the day, cholesterol has been wrongly demonised and it is high time to put this right: what other factors are actually important in relation to the onset of CVDs?

One of them is the lipid polarity. Polar lipids are actually active in preventing atherosclerosis and thrombosis in our arteries.

Our group has recently reviewed all the relevant literature that suggests that marine polar lipids are strongly active against CVDs. We have evaluated the functional properties of phospholipids in relation to inflammation and inflammation-related disorders.

That review paper was divided into three sections: Section 1 presents an overview of the relationship between structures and biological activities (pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory) of several phospholipids with respect to inflammation. Sections 2 and 3 are dedicated to the structures, functions, compositions and anti-inflammatory properties of dietary phospholipids from animal and marine sources.

Most of the dietary phospholipids of animal origin come from meat, egg and dairy products. To date, there is very limited work published on meat phospholipids, undoubtedly due to the negative perception that meat consumption is an unhealthy option because of its putative associations with several chronic diseases. These assumptions are addressed with respect to the phospholipid composition of meat products.

The structural composition of phospholipids of marine origin is discussed. Extensive research has been published in relation to ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and inflammation; however, this research has recently come under scrutiny and has proved to be unreliable and controversial in terms of the therapeutic effects of ω-3 PUFA, which are generally in the form of triglycerides and esters.

Therefore, we focused on recent publications concerning marine phospholipids and their structural composition and related health benefits. Finally, the strong nutritional value of dietary phospholipids are highlighted with respect to marine and animal origin and avenues for future research are proposed.

Twitter: @yanzabet

Read the full article, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

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TSC Silos company profile

As a specialist in the building of square silos TSC Silos supplies an end product that meets the highest quality requirements and is used in a variety of industries

According to TSC Silos, “We use our focus and expertise to design suitable rectangular silo installations of which we are proud. That is all we do: we design, calculate and build silos; day in day out, year in year out. For your benefit.”

The rectangular silo concept is characterised by an optimum storage capacity and flexible layout options. A clever design produces the best possible product discharge with maximum storage capacity.

With a TSC silo you are also investing in a safe, hygienic working environment.

The organisation is 100 percent focused on this silo concept, from sale and design to production and installation.

They are able to handle projects from A to Z: from the steel support structure to the insulating cladding and from functional design up to and including fitting.

At TSC safety is a given. Their well-trained engineers carry out sound calculations for your silo. TSC designs, calculates and manufactures all the silos in accordance with the latest standards (EN 1991, EN 1993 and EN 1090).

TSC Silos are familiar with ATEX, earthquake coefficients, snow loads and the effects of wind. Everything is worked out using advanced computer software down to the smallest detail.

If you so desire, you can have the calculations checked by independent parties; that’s not a problem.

Their experienced installation teams have all the necessary training and are at home on construction sites.

Visit the TSC Silos website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

31/01/2018: New research shows how animal food manufacturing industry keeps America’s livestock fed

Each day across America, more than 6,200 animal food manufacturing facilities are quietly humming along, producing millions of tons of animal food to provide the right nutritional balance to keep the country’s livestock, poultry and pets happy and healthy

Today, the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) is proud to share the results of two, first-of-a-kind, yearlong research projects, which quantify the industry’s contribution to the national, state and local economies. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of the ingredients used in the top livestock, poultry and aquaculture diets.

“For the past few decades, the animal food industry has spoken about the value and service it provides to its customers in producing some of the safest, highest quality animal food on the planet,” said Paul Phillips, IFEEDER’s 2017-18 chairman of the Board of Trustees. “Now, we have the data to prove to our nation’s leaders that this industry is an integral part of the agricultural economy, providing hundreds of thousands of jobs and generating billions of dollars in taxes and revenue to support local and state communities.”

IFEEDER commissioned Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS), an economic research and analysis firm, in early 2017 to conduct a first-ever economic analysis of the U.S. animal feed and pet food manufacturing industry.

The recently completed study found that in 2016, the U.S. animal food manufacturing industry contributed $297.1 billion in total U.S. sales, including roughly $102 billion in value-added contributions; over $22.5 billion in local, state and national taxes; and over 944,000 jobs.

According to the report, five states including Missouri, California, Texas, Pennsylvania and Iowa, topped all economic measures by contributing a combined roughly 337,000 jobs, $105.2 billion in total sales and $8.3 billion in local, state and national taxes. Several congressional districts (KS-2, IA-4, IA-2, KS-1 and NE-3) located in the Midwest or plains states, where a majority of livestock and poultry are raised, also rose to the top, providing a combined nearly 98,000 jobs, roughly $32.7 billion in total sales and $2.1 billion in taxes to the economy. The DIS report listed a number of factors that play a role in the animal food industry’s ongoing economic output and said the odds are good the industry will adapt and grow stronger.

“We hope that this report will illuminate the significant contributions our industry is having on the economy,” said Joel G. Newman, IFEEDER’s president and the American Feed Industry Association’s (AFIA) president and CEO. “Our nation’s leaders need to move forward with achieving sensible state and federal regulations so that the animal food manufacturing business can continue to thrive, and with it, U.S. animal agriculture as a whole can thrive.”

The second part of the DIS research focused on quantifying the amount of food consumed by the top nine livestock, poultry and aquaculture species throughout the various stages of their lives. In years past, AFIA used data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service on the number of animals processed for food each year and, working backwards, estimated a general diet per animal species to get the total amount of food consumed by livestock and poultry. In 2017, DIS conducted a more comprehensive approach, in which it worked with roughly 25 industry and university subject matter experts to determine the specific diets fed to animals at various stages of their lives and adjusted them for regional dietary differences, due to the availability of ingredients and best management practices.

“The latest animal consumption report provides us with more precise and comprehensive data by species, region and in total about the types of ingredients used in animal diets, giving us a clearer picture about the massive amounts of food consumed by livestock, poultry and aquaculture across the industry,” Phillips said. “It is clear that the U.S. animal food manufacturing industry is at the critical intersection of plant and animal agriculture.”

Overall, DIS found that in 2016, approximately 236.3 million tons of animal food were fed to nine animal species, including: 74.7 million tons to cattle on feed; 56.3 million tons to broilers; and 46.3 million tons to hogs, the top three animal consumers. Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, North Carolina and Minnesota topped the list for the sheer amount of animal food consumed with 21.1 million tons, 17.3 million tons, 15.4 million tons, 12.6 million tons, and 11.3 million tons, respectively.

Corn, the most abundantly produced crop in the United States, made up slightly more than half of the total amount of animal food consumed, but when combined with soybean meal and dried distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGs), represented more than 75 percent of all feed tonnage provided in 2016. DIS also reported on a number of other ingredients that are used in animal diets besides the top commodities. For instance, at least 1 percent of all tonnage fed to livestock and poultry in 2016 came from: wet distiller’s grains, bakery meal, corn gluten feed, cottonseed meal, wheat midds, grain sorghum, soybean hulls and oats.

“Through continuous improvements and the adoption of new technologies and best practices, our industry is making our animal food products revered as the ‘gold-standard’ around the world. I hope that our nation’s leaders will recognise this and move forward with responsible, science-based policies,” Mr Newman added.

IFEEDER released both reports during the 2018 International Production and Processing Expo, being held this week in Atlanta, Georgia. The reports, along with interactive maps that allow users to search by their states and congressional districts, are available on AFIA’s website under “Economic Contribution", HERE, and “Animal Food Consumption”, HERE.

For more information visit the IFEEDER website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

31/01/2018: DSM and Evonik establish Veramaris joint venture

DSM and Evonik have established a new company, Veramaris V.O.F., for the production of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from natural marine algae for animal nutrition

The 50:50 joint venture is headquartered at the DSM Biotech Campus in Delft (Netherlands).

Veramaris’s breakthrough innovation, an algal oil, willfor the first time enable the production of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA for animal nutrition without using fish oil from wild-caught fish, a finite resource.

DSM and Evonik announced their intention to start this joint venture in March 2017. Since then, all necessary approvals have been received.

Construction of the US$200 million production facility at the Evonik site in Blair, Nebraska (United States), has commenced and is proceeding according to plan. Commercial quantities of the algal oil rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA will be ready for sale in 2019. Pilot quantities for market development purposes are already available. The initial annual production capacity will meet roughly 15 percent of the total current annual demand for EPA and DHA by the salmon aquaculture industry.

Veramaris will be headed by CEO Karim Kurmaly and CFO Frank Beissmann. Marine biologist Dr Kurmaly has been with DSM for more than 16 years, most recently as Vice President Animal Nutrition & Health in Asia Pacific. Mr Beissmann, an engineer, has been with Evonik for more than 20 years and has held various positions in production, supply chain, marketing and controlling.

“Our algal oil, rich in both EPA and DHA, is our response to the industry’s call for a sustainable and traceable source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Veramaris will now enable our partners along the value chain to grow in a responsible way and meet the demand for healthy animal protein rich in both EPA and DHA for consumer health,” says Dr Kurmaly.

Veramaris engages in dialogue with all stakeholders across the value chain, including NGOs. Pioneering collaborations have allowed leading players in aquaculture to develop salmon diets free from marine ingredients, using the Veramaris algal oil as a complete replacement for fish oil.

“Our goal is to establish the industry standard. We are committed to delivering consistent high-quality of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Drawing on our expertise in supply chain and logistics, we are able to transition customers to Veramaris as smoothly as possible,” says Mr Beissmann.

Until recently, the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA added to animal feed have been almost exclusively from marine sources such as fish oil and fishmeal, which are finite resources. Currently, a total of 16 million metric tons of wild fish are caught for the production of fish oil and fishmeal.

By using natural marine algae, Veramaris contributes to closing the omega-3 EPA and DHA supply-demand gap, while helping to conserve marine life and biodiversity in the oceans.

Visit the DSM website, HERE.
Visit the Evonik website, HERE

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

31/01/2018: Innovation key to the development of the economy and blue growth

by Antonio Garza de Yta

First of all, I would like to thank the 1,298 participants from 32 countries that attended the LACQUA 17 event in the City of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, last November

The resounding success obtained in Mexico ratifies LACQUA as the most important aquaculture technical event in the Latin American and Caribbean region. I am sure that the following editions in Colombia (2018) and Costa Rica (2019) will serve to continue consolidating the event internationally! Congratulations!

Today I would like to talk with you about my last experience in Australia. My friend Roy Palmer, Executive Director of Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF) worldwide, invited me to participate in the World Innovation Congress organised by the International Society for the Professional Management of Innovation (ISPIM for its acronym in English). I imagine you wonder what the hell did two aquaculture promoters do in a place where the most wonderful technological ideas are presented worldwide.

Two things basically: The first, talking to a different audience than we always have. I think it is important to convince other actors at the global level of the relevance that aquaculture has in this world and the impact it will have on future generations. Second, talking about the Economy and Blue Growth.

Recall that the Blue Economy is a concept adopted within the Rio + 20 Conference in 2012, where it is emphasised that the conservation and sustainable management of the oceans is a basic premise for healthy ocean ecosystems and a key point for the sustainability of ocean-based economies. Subsequently, FAO generated the Blue Growth initiative to support the development of this economy and exploit the potential of the seas.

This initiative is based on four pillars: 1. Aquaculture 2. Fisheries, 3. The Value Chain and 4. Ecosystem Services.

The idea, although not very recent, is quite innovative, and this is also why UTMarT is basing its future and development on this concept. It is amazing to see how people who have nothing to do with fishing and aquaculture radically change their way of seeing the future of world food; It is invigorating. We must continue talking about the future, about what we do, about what we are going to do.

We have to keep imagining how, in not many years, we will be producing seaweed in the middle of the ocean in areas the size of Australia itself, moving resources sustainably through barges powered by solar energy and using that production to feed all kinds of cattle and fattening animals, including those produced through aquaculture; in addition to those directly intended for human consumption. We must also continue talking about how by 2050 aquaculture will be the most important source of animal protein and with the smallest environmental footprint on the planet and we are aware that to achieve this innovation will be a fundamental part of our lives.

Read the full article, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

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Bühler company profile

There are plenty of good reasons for Bühler’s success: Personal commitment, clever entrepreneurial decision-making, a high level of sensitivity to the changing needs of the market, and a core business that has become a byword for quality and consistency, founded on the distinct power to innovate.

Tackling the challenges of the period and of the market have always played a role in shaping the direction of the company. This is simply something that Buhler has always done, and when it comes to generating benefits and added value for our customers, we have always been a step ahead.

Bühler is a specialist and technology partner for plant and equipment and related services for processing basic foods and manufacturing high-grade materials. The Group is a global market leader in the supply of flour production plants, pasta and chocolate production lines, fish and animal feed manufacturing installations, and aluminium die casting systems.

The core technologies of the Group are in the field of mechanical and thermal process engineering. With its expertise and over 150 years of experience, Bühler time and again rolls out unique and innovative solutions for its customers, helping them achieve success in the marketplace.

Over the decades Bühler has come to be acknowledged as a reliable partner thanks to its distinct commitment to quality and its global presence.

Bühler Group operates in over 140 countries, has a global payroll of 7860, and generated sales revenues of CHF1907 million in fiscal 2010.

Visit the website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

the interview: Erik Hempel, Director of Communications, The Nor-Fishing Foundation

Erik Hempel has been involved with The Nor-Fishing Foundation for 10 years where he is now the Director of Communications.
He describes his entry into aquaculture as almost an accident, remarking, “I just happened to stumble into fisheries, back in the late 1970s, a short-term consultancy for the FAO led to a job with the FAO at INFOFISH. Aquaculture at that time was not such a big thing, but as it grew, we all started to pay attention to it, me included.”
Mr Hempel trained initially as a Political Scientist before embarking on his career in aquaculture, in his most recent role he will be officially serving as the Editor of International Aquafeed magazine, Norwegian edition.

How have you seen Norwegian aquaculture practices evolve in the past decade?
I think the technological development has continued with force. Particularly in the last few years, we have seen the introduction of very sophisticated technology in Norwegian fish farming. It is fair to say that aquaculture has become even more science-based in its approach and in its practice. In addition, we have seen very profitable operations, thanks to a very high salmon price.
Finally, the industrialisation of aquaculture in Norway has continued. It is now first and foremost a business, and is dominated by very large companies.
Consequently, we have seen the entry of a number of “new” professions, at least in relation to aquaculture. The big companies are now run by economists, finance people, and lawyers, and not so much by biologists and the traditional fish farmers.
Norway is a relatively small producer in terms of volume. Secondly, we were a late-comer in the game. But the most important characteristic of Norwegian aquaculture, and the field where Norway has probably been in the forefront, is the systematic, scientific approach to the industry.
Modern aquaculture is now an “information industry” in the sense that all aspects are developed with a basis in science, and we are applying a number of scientific fields to make this a smooth-running, profitable and sustainable industry.

Aqua-Nor is recorded as the world’s largest aquaculture technology exhibition; do you think it will maintain this position next year?
I believe we can for a few more years. The reason is simply that it is a forum that more and more people in the industry, worldwide, are coming to. As organisers will have to do our part, we must continuously make sure that fish farmers in other regions of the world and those working with species other than salmon, or even finfish in general, will find something of interest at our exhibition.
We must attract people from other regions and other parts of the industry, and I think the way we do that is by offering an interesting programme of mini-seminars and discussions.
Some years ago, we asked ourselves the question: “Do exhibitions have a future at all, or will it all be taken over by the net?”
By analysing what our exhibitions meant to the exhibitors and the visitors, we arrived at a simple formula. Our exhibitions, both Aqua Nor and Nor-Fishing, provide three important things to the industry:
A display window for new technology; this is where you will find the latest technology on display, and you will be able to meet those who created it and discuss with them.
Secondly, Aqua Nor and Nor-Fishing are meeting places. It is a fantastic networking place, where you can meet lots and lots of people in the industry in the span of very few days.
Finally, it is a place where you can get a professional update on the industry. This is where the mini-seminars and the mini-conferences come in
By facilitating these three simple things, we believe that we can remain interesting to the industry.

How important is networking for the future of aquacultural technology?
I believe this is the most important aspect of the exhibition. Therefore, I should have liked to have more to offer in terms of restaurants, lobbies, etc, where people can sit down and talk. However, we have to give priority to the exhibitors, and I know that there is an awful lot of networking going on at each and every stand in the hall.

You have a long and rich history in the industry, how would you recommend it as a field for young professionals to get into?
To young people, I can only say: this is the future. Whatever your educational background, the industry will need you all. We need bright young people to develop our industry further, and we must do our utmost to recruit them.
At the Nor-Fishing Foundation, during the exhibitions, we dedicate one day, - Friday, the last day of the exhibition -, as “Student Day”. We invite students from all over and run a special programme for them, including the very popular “speed dating” between students and companies that are looking for young recruits. This has become phenomenally popular, both among the students and the companies, and last year we had no less than 350 students participating.

What do you think the biggest problem threatening aquaculture is and what do you think can be done to tackle it?
Sometimes I get very upset with the argumentation of various special interest groups that fight aquaculture. Various environmental groups come to mind. While they pretend to be fighting for the environment, I suspect they do not always know what they are talking about, and sometimes I even suspect that they have an agenda which is quite different from the one they say they have.
There are exceptions, of course, and I think that environment groups like WWF and Bellona have chosen a much more constructive course than most other such groups. These organizations focus on solving problems together with the industry, rather than fighting the industry.
But there are threats within the industry itself, too. Lack of knowledge, or just pure greed, can make some operators pursue the wrong practices. Each and every fish farmer has to think about the environment and about sustainability. Those who do not, are sawing off the branch they are sitting on, so to speak.
So what is needed, both within the industry and in relation to the general public, is more information, true and accurate information.

Given your widespread experience, what other activities are you involved in globally and why?
My job keeps me very busy, and what little time is left I like to spend with my grandchildren. I now have five grandsons, and I try to see them regularly.
But I am involved in a number of development projects around the world as part of my job. I do a bit of work for the FAO under the GLOBEFISH banner, and I am involved in some other conferences here and there. Then I take on the odd consultancy project, particularly in Africa and Asia.
In Vietnam, for example, I am involved with the newly established Vietnam SeaCulture Association, which is planning to develop a marine aquaculture industry and wants to cooperate with us in Norway in this effort.
This work does mean a lot of travel, but I have now developed a new hobby when I am travelling: I keep sending postcards (no, they are not yet out of fashion!) to my grandsons.

International Aquafeed - January 2018

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Monday, January 29, 2018

30/01/2018: Zheng Chang celebrates 100 years of operation at IPPE 2018

Zheng Chang, China’s largest feed machinery manufacturer was founded in 1918, and is celebrating its first century of operation at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) 2018 in Atlanta, USA.

From January 30th to February 1st, at Zheng Chang’s stand 
(B8323) at IPPE, a lucky draw has been organised with the opportunity for contestants to win a range of prizes and vouchers. Vouchers can be received for signing a contract at their exhibition site, and are limited to one person.

If the single contract signed amounts to more than $1 million USD, the recipient can get a $100,000USD voucher, if $500,000USD, they can get a $50,000USD voucher, and if $200,000USD, they can get a $10,000USD voucher.

There will also be a lucky draw for spot prizes including:

- One mobile phone (HUAWEI Mate 10), worth $620USD
- Two Tablet PCs (HUAWEI M3), worth $300USD
- Three mobile Phones (Redmi 5), worth 150USD
- Six Mi Bands, worth $30USD
- Twenty ZHENG CHANG polo shirts, or USB flash disks, worth $15USD

*The specific activity information will be subject to the public announcement at the exhibition site, the final interpretation of this activity belongs to ZHENG CHANG Group.

Visit the IPPE 2018 website, HERE.

Visit the Zheng Chang website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

30/01/2018: Animal nutrition solutions & the EU protein strategy at 63rd FEFAC General Assembly

FEFAC and its French member EUROFAC have announced a symposia on animal nutrition and the European protein strategy in Lyon, France, on 20-21 June 2018, at the occasion of FEFAC’s 63rd General Assembly

The draft programme includes representatives from the European Commission and the French Government as well as livestock chain and feed industry speakers and experts from the scientific community.

The symposium on 20 June will focus on the role of animal nutrition solutions in tackling challenges in the animal health and welfare area.

The EU One Health Action Plan against AMR released by the European Commission in June 2017 stated that, “feeding regimes to support good animal health and welfare help reduce the need for antibiotics at farm level”.

In discussion with industry representatives from the animal health, farming and veterinary sectors, the European feed industry seeks to develop a multidisciplinary framework which could deliver a holistic health management approach towards reducing AMR at livestock farm level.

The symposium on 21 June will set the scene on the announced future EU Plant Protein Plan, expected to be published by the European Commission by the end of 2018.

The EU Commission, French Government Speakers and panel experts from the EU grain trade & livestock chain will exchange views on the competitiveness of European vegetable protein production.

Also the challenges of boosting production and market acceptance of alternative protein sources and the strategic importance of maintaining access to imported protein-rich feed materials will be part of the discussion.

Further details into the programme are expected to be given before the end of February 2018.

For more information visit the FEFAC website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
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magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

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30/01/2018: Loch Duart, an Independent salmon farm harnesses scientific traceability to expose seafood scams

Loch Duart, an independent salmon farming company based in Sutherland and the Hebrides, is taking the fight to food fraudsters to protect the reputation of its world renowned salmon

The independent salmon farm business has teamed up with Oritain, experts in scientifically proving the origin of food products, to prevent food fraudsters from passing off other salmon as Loch Duart’s. 

Image credit: Loch Duart
With many of the world’s top restaurants and fish wholesalers asking for Loch Duart salmon by name, there is a risk that unscrupulous suppliers try to represent other salmon as Loch Duart.

Oritain’s testing measures trace elements that occur naturally at each farm and are absorbed by the salmon raised there. Further analysis creates a unique fingerprint that is then used to verify the origin of the fish.

It is estimated that food fraud affects at least 10 percent of the global food supply chain at a cost to the industry in excess of $50 billion per year.

From 2018, Oritain will provide Loch Duart with this independent food fingerprinting service, with its origins in forensic science, to help protect its brand. This means that Loch Duart will now be able to audit at any stage in the supply chain and determine exactly where the salmon being tested originates from. Loch Duart will be first fish farmer in the northern hemisphere to use this leading technology.

Alban Denton, Managing Director of Loch Duart said, “Loch Duart’s really proud of our extraordinary tasting salmon which is asked for by name worldwide. If another salmon is ‘passed off’ as ours, consumers are being both exploited and misled. Our distributors have told us that it happens, now we’re partnering with Oritain to ‘police’ the supply chain. We’re determined to do everything we can to protect our world renowned brand and ensure that when people ask for Loch Duart salmon they can be completely certain this is what they are getting. Consumers must get what they order and what they are paying for! Oritain’s forensic approach to scientifically fingerprinting the origin of our fish means that we can verify the origin of our fresh salmon – wherever the consumers are in the world.”

Oritain UK Executive Director, Rupert Hodges said, “Oritain works hard to protect the reputations of some of the world’s leading brands. We’re therefore delighted to be able to scientifically underpin the provenance story for Loch Duart’s world renowned salmon. Our pioneering use of forensic analysis allows us to not only identify the country and region from which the salmon we test is from, we can actually trace it back to the individual farm. This means that from now on customers across the globe, can be assured that when they buy Loch Duart salmon, we can prove that it is what they are getting.”

Visit the Loch Duart Salmon website, HERE.

Visit the Oritain website, HERE

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

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30/01/2018: Food industry heavyweight announced as new chairperson of the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre

The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) announces that David Gregory, a highly experienced food industry director and former Chairman of Red Tractor Assurance, will be its new Chairperson. Mr Gregory takes up the role on 1st March 2018.

Mr Gregory brings to the position over four decades’ experience spanning the entire food chain from agriculture to aquaculture, fisheries through to food production and retail to food service. He has also had close involvement with science and research funding through his role as a member of the Governing Council of the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council), as current President of the Institute of Food Science and Technology and as Trustee and former Chairman of the British Nutrition Foundation.
David Gregory
Image credit: SAIC

A former Director of Technology for the food division at Marks & Spencer Plc, Mr Gregory was one of the authors of Plan A – the retailer’s internationally recognised 100 point sustainable business plan.

Mr Gregory is a Chartered Scientist, a member of the industrial advisory board of the Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh and a visiting professor at the University of Reading Centre for Chemistry, Food and Pharmacy.

Commenting on his appointment, Mr Gregory said, “I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with such an outstanding and high-quality industry and to supporting the excellent work being done by SAIC. The aquaculture industry is hugely important to the rural economy in Scotland and I look forward to playing a part in delivering the 2030 plan for Scottish aquaculture.”

Heather Jones, CEO of SAIC said, “The team at SAIC is delighted that someone of David’s calibre is joining us as we move into our next phase and we look forward to working with him over the coming years.”

Dr Stuart Fancey, Director of Research and Innovation at the Scottish Funding Council, a major funder of SAIC, said, “David’s unique combination of a career in the food industry and knowledge of science and research funding makes him the ideal candidate to be Chairperson of SAIC.  He has a range of skills and knowledge which will help him to bring a fresh approach to the role. We are delighted to welcome David into his new position.”

Jim Gallagher, Joint Chair of the Aquaculture Industry Leadership Group welcomed Mr Gregory’s appointment and said, “David has a wealth of experience in the food industry which combined with his many years of involvement with science and research funding means he will be a great asset to, and ambassador for, SAIC.”

Charlotte Wright, Chief Executive of Highlands & Islands Enterprise commented, “This is a great appointment for SAIC. It’s really important that we focus on innovation to drive the development of the sector and David’s previous experience not just in the food industry but also with science and research bodies will be a great help in delivering this.”

Mr Gregory replaces Jack Perry CBE who was instrumental in guiding SAIC from inception to an active catalyst of industry investment in innovative R&D.

Visit the SAIC website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Reed Mariculture company profile

Reed Mariculture is the world's largest producer of marine microalgae concentrates for larval fish, bivalves, crustaceans and other filter feeders.

Their Instant Algae® larviculture feeds are used by over 500 hatcheries, universities, and marine ornamental operations in more than 80 countries around the world.

They also produce and distribute pathogen and ciliate free rotifers,Parvocalanus copepods, and Otohime and TDO weaning feeds.

Reed Mariculture's Instant Algae products are closer to nature than any other feed on the market. They produce whole-cell, whole-food microalgae feeds and enrichments from marine algae using proprietary processes.

 products provide fish, bivalve and shrimp hatcheries with clean, convenient, long shelf-life feeds that are superior choices to replace or supplement live microalgae.

Their feeds ensure stable and rapidly-reproducing rotifer populations with superior rich nutritional value.

Visit the website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

29/01/2018: Global Aqua Feed Market Forecast to 2022 - Nutreco N.V. (Netherlands) and Coppens International B.V. (Netherlands)

The research study on Global Aqua Feed Market organizes the overall perspective of the Aqua Feed industry.

 This incorporates upcoming flow of the Aqua Feed market together with an extensive analysis of recent industry statistics. It describes the Aqua Feed market size as well as factors controlling market growth. Likewise, the report explains various challenges which affect Aqua Feed market expansion. The report reviews economic prominence of the Aqua Feed industry around the globe.

The report offers a crucial understanding of entire Aqua Feed market dimensions and evaluation during period 2018 to 2022.

The research study provides excellent knowledge of the worldwide Aqua Feed market structure. Further, it evaluates qualitative and computable information of Aqua Feed market. In addition analysis of the Aqua Feed market scenario and future prospects are given. The Aqua Feed report initiate with the introduction and represents the Aqua Feed market data in a specific and clear manner.

 This study covers all the essential information regarding the world Aqua Feed industry which helps a user to grasp the overall market. Also, Aqua Feed report gives the readers with an approach to the competitive scenario of the Aqua Feed market.

Photo credit: USDA

Read more HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tyson company profile

Tyson Animal Nutrition Group is a leading producer of 100 percent chicken-based protein meals, chicken fats and wet pet ingredients.

Their experience, knowledge, commitment to quality and strong customer relationships have made them one of the most respected names in animal nutrition.

Tyson's vertically-integrated structure gives them control over all stages of the life cycle of their chickens, from hatching-egg production to distributing the finished product.

And because all of their raw materials come from USDA-inspected processing plants, their ingredients are consistent, traceable and to your specifications.

Their sales and support Team Members welcome the opportunity to partner with you and meet your needs for high-quality ingredients.

Learn more about our products or speak to one of our sales managers today.

Visit the website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Thursday, January 25, 2018

26/01/2018: Nine good reasons to attend the second edition of AquaFarm 2018

AquaFarm 2018, the second edition of the International conference and exhibition event dedicated to the technologies, products and best practices of sustainable production of fish, will be held on 15th and 16th February 2018 at the Exhibition Centre of Pordenone, Italy.

The following are nine good reasons why you should attend this exciting event.


1. Meet GDO, frozen foods and HORECA and understand their ever evolving needs in seafood supply

2. Discover new offerings and solutions for customised feed to optimise farmed fish growth at every stage

3. Evaluate the viability of new technologies for farmed fish health and wellbeing

Vertical Farming

4. Know the current status of certifications for vertical farming and soilless crops, and which are the real stakes

5. Discover the best products to grow in vertical farms and controlled environments and target existing markets

6. Be updated on the fast growth of vertical farming in Europe and on the most interesting projects and initiatives


7. Be updated on the evolution of the projects to extract energy and fuels from algae

8. Discover innovations that are driving down the price of algal oil and protein sever nearer to the point of economic viability for entire new application sectors

9. Understand what is currently possible to do with algae in different fields such as chemistry, human nutrition, waste water treatment, nutraceutics

For more information contact Chiara Fasolo on or by calling +39 0434 232 233

Visit the Aquafarm 2018 website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

26/01/2018: 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates world feed production in excess of 1 billion metric tons

7th annual survey features expanded data from 144 countries and more than 30,000 feed mills 

The feed industry, valued at $430 billion, has seen 13 percent growth over the past five years, equating to an average of 2.49 percent per annum. This substantial growth is supported by the higher reported consumption of meat, milk and eggs. The growth seen in 2017 was strong at 2.57 percent over last year.
The 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates that international feed tonnage has exceeded 1 billion metric tons for the second consecutive year, with a total of 1.07 billion metric tons of feed produced in 2017.
Image credit: Alltech

The seventh edition of the annual survey is the most comprehensive ever, now covering 144 countries and more than 30,000 feed mills. The results show that China and the US remain the top two countries, producing one-third of all animal feed, and that predominant growth came from the pig, broiler and dairy feed sectors as well as the European and Asia-Pacific regions.

“Now in its seventh year of analysis, the Alltech Global Feed Survey continues to serve as a valuable report on the state of the global feed industry,” said Aidan Connolly, chief innovation officer and vice president of corporate accounts at Alltech. “In addition to its insights into the feed industry, it serves as a barometer for agriculture as a whole and oftentimes demonstrates the economic strength of the countries included in the survey.”

The Alltech Global Feed Survey assesses compound feed production and prices through information collected by Alltech’s global sales team and in partnership with local feed associations in the last quarter of 2017. It is intended to serve as an information resource for policymakers, decision-makers and industry stakeholders.

The top seven feed-producing countries in 2017, in order of production output importance, were China, the US, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, India and Spain. These countries contain approximately 54 percent of the world’s feed mills and account for 53 percent of total production. These countries can be viewed as an indicator of the trends in agriculture.

Regional results from the 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey:
Europe: Tied with Asia-Pacific for the fastest-growing regions, Europe saw a 3 percent feed tonnage growth, resulting from increases in pig, boiler and aqua feed production. The region was led by Russia with 37.6 million tons produced in 2017, moving up in the country rankings from number seven to number four. Russia increased its estimated pig feed, including more private production. Russian broiler feed production also increased by 3 percent, while Ukraine, Romania, the UK and Belgium also reported higher numbers, supporting growth in the European region. Europe is the top pet food producing region.

Africa: Africa remains the fastest growing region in the world for dairy and broiler feeds. With a regional average growth rate of nearly 30 percent over the last five years, it did not show growth in 2017. Pig, dairy, layer and boiler feed production increased, while decreases occurred in beef and aquaculture. Also, on average, Africa is the most expensive region for feeding pigs, layers and broilers. Smaller countries such as Botswana and Mozambique led the growth for pig, dairy, layer and broiler feeds. Beef feed production decreases were reflected in countries such as Zambia and Morocco. While many African nations showed a small increase in aquaculture feed production, the region as a whole was down primarily because of lower reported feed production in Egypt, which has now been surpassed by Nigeria.

Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region accounts for more than 35 percent of the world’s feed tonnage. China remained the top feed-producing country in the world with 186.86 million metric tons, a slight decline in overall feed production compared to last year. Asia-Pacific increased by three percent over the 2017 survey results, primarily due to increases in pig and pet food production. Increased production for Asia-Pacific also came from India with seven percent and Thailand with eight percent growth. Vietnam grew four percent over the past year and is the second-highest producer of pig and aqua feed in the Asia-Pacific region. Seventy percent of all aqua feed and 44 percent of all layer feed is produced in Asia-Pacific countries.

North America: The US remains the second-largest feed-producing country globally, behind China. North America produces a third of the beef feed, five times that of the next-largest producer. The US and Canada are two of the top horse feed producing countries. Feed prices in North America are lower than when compared to other regions.

Latin America: Brazil remained the leader in feed production for the region and third overall globally. Brazil, Mexico and Argentina account for almost 75 percent of regional feed production. Mexico leads the region in beef and layer feed production. Latin America as a region has had the third-highest growth rate over five years, seen primarily in aqua, horses and pets.

Notable species results from the 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey

- In the poultry industry, broiler feed production increased across all regions, with the largest growth found in Africa with 10 percent and Europe with seven percent. Romania, Russia and Ukraine all reported steady growth, contributing to Europe’s overall production, while Africa’s growth came primarily from Egypt, Uganda and Mozambique.

- Global leaders in pork production, China and Russia, led the way in pig feed production in 2017. Many smaller African countries, particularly Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Uganda and Namibia, also showed increases.

- Global dairy feed production saw growth across all regions. Europe, a global leader in dairy production, grew on average by approximately two percent. Africa as a region saw the largest dairy feed production increase by 10 percent, with countries such as South Africa, Morocco and Zimbabwe showing significant increases from their reported 2017 dairy feed production.

- Beef feed production reported an overall global decline of approximately one percent, primarily in regions such as Latin America, Africa and Europe. This global downward trend has generally been felt by the industry for some time as more consumers turn to “white” meats such as chicken, pork and fish.

-  Overall aquaculture feeds showed a slight increase, particularly in the European and Asia-Pacific regions. China reported a decline of five percent this year and in 2016, which could be linked to government controls on feeding practices and food safety, such as the administration of antibiotics. Brazil, Chile and Peru led the increase in production in Latin America, as did Iran in the Middle East. Carp leads the production of aquaculture feed, followed by shrimp/prawn and tilapia. Catfish, salmon and trout also ranked on the species feed indicator, though to lesser degrees.

- The pet food sector had a strong year across all regions. Asia-Pacific’s pet food production increased by 13 percent, with China, Thailand and Taiwan as the primary contributors to the increase. Europe increased by 17 percent with Russia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland and Hungary producing over 580,000 metric tons of additional pet food. Uruguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Chile and Argentina represent almost all of the pet food production growth in Latin America, combining for 725,000 more tons.

“The Alltech Global Feed Survey provides valuable data and insights on the health of the feed industry and agriculture as a whole,” said Mr Connolly. “As such, we will continue to offer the findings of the feed survey freely in an effort to demonstrate the significance of the animal feed industry in feeding a growing global population, sustainably and affordably.”

The Alltech Global Feed Survey has illuminated some intriguing points that can play a role in analysing the economies of agribusiness and indeed of the world.

To discover more data from the 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey, including the results booklet, an interactive global map and a presentation of the results, fill out the form for access, HERE.

Visit the Alltech website, HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news