Thursday, August 29, 2024

Collaboration undertakes new research to improve fish health and wellbeing in sustainable aquaculture

August 29, 2024 - Lallemand Animal Nutrition and the University of Plymouth have marked 15 years of collaboration by unveiling a major new initiative that aims to enhance fish resilience and welfare.

The partnership between the global biotechnology company and one of the world's leading marine research organisations has already invested over €1 million in sustainable aquaculture research.

The new initiative - LLProMucoBath - has been announced at AQUA 2024, Europe's largest aquaculture conference.

It will investigate the contribution of Lallemand's microbial solutions to the health of Atlantic salmon, and whether the products can fortify and repopulate the epidermal and gill mucosal microbiomes after fish undergo ectoparasite treatments. 

The potential to reduce opportunities for pathogen colonisation through reassembly of the microbiome after disruptive events such as bath treatments can improve fish robustness at a critical time where fish are most vulnerable. 

The work will be led by Dr Mark Rawling and Dr Daniel Merrifield, from the University's School of Biological and Marine Sciences.

The partners believe it could be a game-changer for fish farmers worldwide, not only improving animal welfare but also increasing global food security at a time when aquaculture is increasingly being seen as a key means of feeding the world's growing population.

Previous research carried out through the partnership has led to innovations that have benefited major farmed species like Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and tilapia.

Those findings have been subject of more than 20 peer-reviewed publications, multiple book chapters, dozens of conference abstracts and presentations on fish health.

They have in turn demonstrated the efficacy of Lallemand probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics and yeast-derived additives in enhancing fish health and welfare.

Dr Merrifield said: "Over the years, our research has demonstrated the benefits of multiple Lallemand products and their wide application throughout the industry. As a result, I am confident that the health and welfare of millions of fish each year are being greatly improved, and by extension, so is global food security. I'm really pleased that our research has played a key role in helping to achieve this."

Eric Leclerq, R&D manager of aquaculture at Lallemand Animal Nutrition, added: "Our research partnership is poised for an exciting future. By continuing to innovate and develop cutting-edge solutions, we look to tackle some of the most critical challenges in sustainable aquaculture. We remain dedicated to advancing fish health science and making a significant impact on the global aquaculture industry."

The partnership is also working to support the academic community and foster innovation among future generations of sustainable aquaculture professionals.

To that end, a new €1500 Lallemand Innovation and Impact in Aquaculture and Fisheries Award will reward the most impactful and innovative dissertation on the University's MSc Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries programme.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Growing seafood consumption could make China US$29 billion seafood import market this decade

August 28, 2024 - According to a recent RaboResearch report, China is poised to drive 40 percent of the global growth in seafood consumption to 2030. This tremendous growth, fuelled by China's economic prosperity, large population, and high seafood demand, could transform China into a US$29 billion market for seafood imports. Higher-value seafood should benefit, driven by a growing upper-middle class and e-commerce expansion.

"China's economic prosperity, coupled with its population of 1.4 billion consumers and a high affinity for seafood, positions it as the most promising growth market for seafood this decade," said Novel Sharma, Seafood Analyst at RaboResearch. Chinese seafood consumption is expected to grow by 5.5 million metric tonnes through 2030, outstripping local supply. "We expect China to seek resources beyond its borders to ensure adequate supply and close the widening gap between demand and supply by the decade's end."

Both volume- and value-driven seafood demand expected

The forecast for China's seafood demand for the remainder of the decade is a combination of volume- and value-driven growth. "We anticipate that urbanisation, the growth of upper-middle-class consumer groups, and the expansion of e-commerce channels will drive a trend toward demand for higher-value seafood in the long term," says Sharma.

"If this pivot to higher-value seafood continues, value-driven consumption growth will likely outpace volume-driven growth, with China potentially emerging as a US$ 29 billion seafood import market by 2030, creating ample opportunities for global seafood exporters."

Volume-based opportunities will still be significant, however. Domestic producers should benefit, as they typically focus on lower-value species and the mass market is likely to remain price-sensitive.

A US$10 billion seafood import opportunity

RaboResearch expects China's demand for seafood imports to grow by US$10 billion by 2030. "This anticipated import growth could reshape the global seafood industry," Sharma posits. "High-value species such as salmon, lobster, crabs and wild shrimp, of which China has limited to no domestic production, may see the largest gains. High-value species like farmed shrimp, for which China's demand surpasses its production, also stand to benefit."

Opportunities for seafood exports to China are ripe for Southeast Asian countries and India, particularly for shrimp, crabs and marine fish. Central to Latin America, known for their competitive seafood exports, could unlock further growth, especially for high-value species like shrimp and salmon. Ecuador has already capitalised on China's farmed shrimp demand in recent years.

"As China transitions to being the major global seafood buyer and price setter, the decisions it makes regarding seafood consumption and sourcing will have a global impact," Sharma concludes. "It will be important for global exporters to monitor China's evolving demand dynamics closely to identify potential untapped opportunities,"

A US$10 billion seafood import opportunity

RaboResearch expects China's demand for seafood imports to grow by US$10 billion by 2030. "This anticipated import growth could reshape the global seafood industry," Sharma posits. "High-value species such as salmon, lobster, crabs and wild shrimp, of which China has limited to no domestic production, may see the largest gains. High-value species like farmed shrimp, for which China's demand surpasses its production, also stand to benefit."

Opportunities for seafood exports to China are ripe for Southeast Asian countries and India, particularly for shrimp, crabs and marine fish. Central to Latin America, known for their competitive seafood exports, could unlock further growth, especially for high-value species like shrimp and salmon. Ecuador has already capitalised on China's farmed shrimp demand in recent years.

"As China transitions to being the major global seafood buyer and price setter, the decisions it makes regarding seafood consumption and sourcing will have a global impact," Sharma concludes. "It will be important for global exporters to monitor China's evolving demand dynamics closely to identify potential untapped opportunities,"

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Feed from gas project takes big step forward with pilot facility launch

August 27, 2024 - A project aiming to transform food production and supply chains by creating animal feed from carbon dioxide and hydrogen gases has taken another big step forward with the opening of its first pilot facility.

Rob Mansfield (CTO) and Peter Rowe (CXO) of Aerbio.

Aerbio - formed from the management buy-out of Nottingham-headquartered Deep Branch - is working with a consortium of partners, including the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), as part of the React-First initiative to produce a novel single-cell protein called Proton, which can be used as feed for salmon and chickens. The pilot facility is based in the Netherlands at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus, a hub for circular chemistry and chemical processes.

The opening of Aerbio's pilot facility will allow larger feed trials to begin, with an initial 200kg of Protein being produced per month. The pilot facility will help the company determine how best to integrate itself into the food chain, with the Proton it produces being used in the assessment and development of a number of applications, including the React-First initiative.

Engineering work is also already being conducted on an upcoming 'Market Launch Facility', which will have the capacity to produce 250 tonnes of Proton per annum. Subsequent commercial sites are expected to each produce 100,000 tonnes of Proton per year.

Pete Rowe, Co-Founder and CXO of Aerbio, said: "The opening of our pilot facility is a significant step forward for our technology. It proves its scalability -both in terms of production and the operations of the sites. The support we have received from the consortium has been a crucial part of getting us to this point and we're looking forward to the next phase."

The energy transition means that large-scale projects are making both hydrogen and carbon dioxide available at scale. Electrolyser projects see renewable power used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, while carbon capture projects are enabling large volumes of food-grade carbon dioxide to reach the market, at the same specifications found within carbonated beverages and dry ice.

Through the conversion of gases using Aerbio's fermentation system, the production of Proton requires no arable land and the sites can be deployed wherever industrial processes create food-grade carbon dioxide and hydrogen. This will allow countries that currently have to import protein-rich ingredients to have their own production capabilities. 

The carbon footprint associated with Proton is up to 90 percent lower than either fishmeal or soy. Results from initial small-scale trials also suggested that, in principle, it has the same nutritional benefits as conventional feed ingredients from animal or plant origins. Aerbio plans to ship its first products in the next few months, with initial chicken and fish feed trials beginning by the end of the summer and results were available for the beginning of 2025.

React-First was funded through the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Transforming Food Production Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). It brings together 10 consortium partners from industry and academia with a shared commitment to tackling the climate crisis and achieving net-zero carbon emissions in food production.

Pete Rowe added: "Our small-scale trials have proven the fundamentals of Proton - it has a strong nutritional profile and is just as good, if not better, than conventional ingredients. Our main input requirements are simply carbon dioxide, water and power, all of which can be sustainably produced and are readily available. Once we are in the position to fully roll out the technology, we hope to enable better food security for protein, something high on the list of almost every country."

Heather Jones, CEO of SAIC, said: "At the North Atlantic Seafood Forum earlier this year, major salmon farmers and the world's largest fish feed producers all recognised the vital importance of developing novel feed ingredients to replace marine and land-based ingredients that are finite in supply. The innovation of React First could ultimately help the global fish farming sector to grow sustainably. All the projects we support aim to enhance the sustainability of aquaculture, while maximising its economic impact - this project is a great example of how you can do both, creating a more resilient food system in the process."

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Smir Group enters halibut farming market

August 27, 2024 - Aquaculture technology and service provider Smir Group enters into an agreement with halibut farmer sterling White Halibut for delivery of a waterborne feeding system.

"After unsuccessful test attempts, we were initially very uncertain about waterborne feeding as a real alternative to feeding method for halibut feed. However, after carrying our thorough tests with Smir Group on one of the Smirfeeder systems, we were convinced. We experienced no blockages, and saw no signs of reduced quality or breakage of the feed after the end of the feeding," says Technical Manager at Sterling White Halibut, Thor Bull Skarvatun.

Halibut feed is known to be larger and requires more gentle handling than traditional feed used for salmon farming.

"We have worked actively to develop a flexible feeding system that is suitable for feeding to other species than just salmon. Having carried out several successful tests with feed in different sizes and consistencies during the course of development, we have always been confident that they system would be well suited to a number of different types of feed, such as in this case with halibut feed, which is somewhat larger and of a softer consistency compared to traditional feed for salmon farming," says Frode Rygh, Sales Manager at Smir Group.

He continued, "We also strongly believe that our underwater spreader will be an important tool for Sterling White Halibut in relation to the opportunity it provides in terms of spreading pattern and varied feeding depth,"

Sales manager in Smir Group, Frode Rygh (right) – Technical manager in Sterling White Halibut, Thor Bull Skarvatun (left)

Focus on sustainable solutions

"Sterling White Halibut has large development plans and is looking for future-oriented solutions that are good for the user and the company, as well as building facilities that do not have negative effects in the surrounding environment,"says General Manager, Sterling White Halibut, Trond Sadvik.

"Using a waterborne feeding system is very cost-effective and energy saving. In addition, Smir Group's system is at the best level in terms of noise. Noise is considered pollution in todays society, and Sterling White Halibut works actively to have facilities that are as less noisy as possible for the employees and the surrounding environment,

"By collaborating with suppliers, the best solutions are developed - Sterling White Halibut wants to be the leading player in the development of sustainable halibut farming."

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Friday, August 23, 2024

2024’s fishmeal production up thanks to successful fishing season in North Centre of Peru

In the countries analysed in the IFFO reports*, the overall production of fishmeal between January and June 2024 was up by 40%, while that of fish oil was up by 10%, compared with the same period of last year. This was thanks to the increased catches in the North-Centre of Peru, where operations are currently under a fishing ban. Only Peru’s southern fishing grounds are currently open to operations, with 15% of the quota landed so far.

Copyright: IFFO

In Chile, landings in the first 6 months of 2024 have decreased, year on year, in the South, while they are up in the North of the country.
In Northern Europe, the volume of available raw materials is down, year on year, as expected due to the lower quotas granted in 2024 vs 2023.
As for the USA, menhaden catches continue to progress, although they remain below the levels reported in 2023.
These data are based on statistics shared by IFFO’s membership, which accounts for 55% of global marine ingredients production*.

* Peru, Chile, Denmark / Norway, Iceland / North Atlantic, USA, African countries, Spain.

China’s fishing ban just lifted, lower trend in the use of marine ingredients

While China’s fishing ban was lifted mid-August, local producers of fishmeal and fish oil remain cautious about domestic potential production levels for 2024.
Official statistics from China suggest an annual decrease in the cumulative fishmeal and fish oil imports through June due to weak demand of aquafeed and high production costs. Overall, the bearish market conditions are likely to persist through the year 2024.
In contrast, the pig sector, which used to consume significant amounts of fishmeal, continues its recovery, with pig prices rising steadily over the past months.

Read more HERE or visit the IFFO website HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sea Eight Group transforms aquaculture practices with AquaManager's software

August 20, 2024 - AquaManager, a pioneer in the development of innovative technology solutions for the aquaculture industry, has announced the successful deployment of its management software for the Sea Eight Group.

As a prominent leader in sole production utilising Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS), Sea Eight has ambitious plans for significant expansion in the coming years. Central to their vision for this transformative phase is the complete digitalisation and automation of all production processes. Recognised for its sustainability, RAS technology represents one of the most eco-friendly methods of fish production. Sea Eight aims to elevate this technology further through comprehensive digitalisation. The group, which includes three grow-out companies and one hatchery, is now fully operational with AquaManager's software. This implementation is set to significantly enhance their efficiency and productivity in aquaculture management, marking a major milestone in their journey towards innovation and sustainability in the aquaculture industry.

The implementation process was conducted in two phases, initially, an on-site implementation and in-person training were carried out in Portugal at Harchery Safiestela, AquaManager's team led the training sessions, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system. The hands-on training included comprehensive sessions with key personnel on both sides. 

Following the successful completion of the hatchery module implementation, the focus shifted to the implementation and training for the grow out phase. Sea Eight completed the implementation of AquaManager systems across their whole sites and farms, starting with Aquacria Piscicola (Portugal) and following with Arousa (Spain) and La Figal (Spain) The project involved a total of 10 users, ensuring seamless adoption across all sites.

Key milestones achieved:

  • The entire project adhered to the predicted timetable, ensuring timely completion of both modules.
  • Excellent and continuous communication and support were maintained in both Spanish and English, catering to the diverse and linguistic needs of the clients.
  • A flawless Go-live, marking the successful transition to the new management system without any operational downtime.

"We are thrilled with the successful implementation of our software. for Sea Eight Group," said Vera Mavrikaki, Project Manager at AquaManager. "The collaboration and commitment from both our team and Sea Eight Group were exceptional. This project not only highlights the robust capabilities of our software but also our dedication to providing unparalleled support to our clients."

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Monday, August 19, 2024

Increased ASC impact on planet and people demonstrated in new interactive report

August 19, 2024 - The 'ASC Annual Impacts Report: 2023 in Review' highlights the wide range of environmental and social impacts delivered by the ASC programme in 2023.

From production to markets, the report encapsulates the work ASC does on the ground. The interactive report is packed with facts and figures and features real-life case studies which tell the story of another year of strong growth and increased impact for ASC. Improvements made in ASC certified farms benefit ecosystems, farm workers and the health of farmed species.

ASC CEO Chris Ninnes said, "2023 was a year of milestones for ASC as we formally launched the ASC Feed Standard, the Improver Programme by ASC and the ASC Chain of Custody Module.

"I am extremely proud of our work to drive transformation and our impact not just in the wider seafood farming sector, but also in offering improvement and learning opportunities to smaller scale farms where change is not always easily accessible and to those at the very beginning of their improvement journey.

"According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, farmed seafood surpassed wild-caught fish for the first time in 2022. The continual growth of aquaculture emphasises the need to drive improvements and reward responsible practices.

Chris continued, "Now is the time to play a more active role in driving transformation in seafood farming. We do this by having a clear goal and vision, reinforced by measurable and meaningful impact which is reflected in this latest report.

"We plan to continue setting the standard for seafood and grow the programme further with ongoing investment in dedicated ASC campaigns and more valuable new services for our partners."

Highlights from the 2023 Impacts Report:

  • 2062 ASC certified farms worldwide covering 58 different species delivered 2.04 million metric tonnes of responsibly produced seafood - an increase of 8.6 percent from 2022.
  • In the marketplace, seafood lovers found more ASC labelled products on their shelves. 6.4 percent more ASC labelled products were available across 116 countries (+17%) in 2023.
  • There were over 3000 improvements made to drive social responsibility and over 4300 improvements to drive environmental sustainability.
  • Three Aquaculture Improvement Projects (AIP) across 129 sites meant more farms who were not yet ready to become certified got access to guidance and support through the Improver Programme by ASC.
  • Since the ASC Feed Standard launch in January 2023, nine feed mills have been certified and more mills continue to join the programme, reducing negative impacts including deforestation, land conversion and child and forced labour.
  • 1367 audits of farm performances were conducted by 12 accredited independent Conformity Bodies (CABs) year-round across 51 countries to deliver programme integrity.
  • According to our largest and most comprehensive consumer research in 2023 which surveyed people in 14 countries, ASC is the most recognised and trusted farmed seafood label, scoring significantly higher than other responsible farmed seafood programme labels.
  • Over 300 stakeholders participated in our public consultation on the ASC Farm Standard - the largest overhaul of ASC certification to better register our key stakeholders' voice and insights. The new Farm Standard will align all ASC species-specific standards into a single global, robust standard. ASC will finalise the Farm Standard in 2024 and operationalise it in 2025.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Aquabyte announces leadership transition

August 19, 2024 - Aquabyte, a leading innovator in aquaculture technology, today announced that Steve Tucker, currently President & COO, will become Aquabyte's new CEO. Founder Bryton Shang will transition from CEO to become Executive Chairman. 

Steve Tucker

This strategic move underlines the company's ongoing commitment to driving growth and innovation in both Norwegian and global aquaculture. 

"I am immensely proud of what the team has accomplished at Aquabyte. Steve brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of leadership in Norway and Silicon Valley. He has been instrumental in Aquabyte's profitable growth and is well positioned to drive growth and innovation in both Norwegian and global aquaculture," says Bryton Shang, the new Executive Chairman of Aquabyte.

In his new role Bryton will remain actively involved with Aquabyte as Chairman of the Board and ambassador for the company.

Founded in 2017, Aquabyte successfully integrates artificial intelligence and machine learning to feed the planet through sustainable fish production. Aquabyte is a leading partner in global aquaculture, providing critical data-driven decision tools allowing farmers of trout and salmon to improve fish welfare, boost productivity and promote sustainability.

"I am thrilled to become the CEO of Aquabyte and humbled to work with such an incredible team. Our amazing business combines the foremost expertise from the aquaculture industry in Norway and Chile with exceptional engineering talent from Silicon Valley. We are excited about our expansion into five countries, doubling sales in 2024 and exceeding $15 million in contracted revenue," says Steve Tucker, the new CEO of Aquabyte.

As Aquabyte's new CEO, Steve Tucker will continue to lead the business from Aquabyte's headquarters in Bergen, Norway.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Scale Aquaculture launches Fantasy League

August 15, 2024 - Scale Aquaculture have launched their very own Fantasy Premier League, specifically for everyone working in the aquaculture industry worldwide: the Scale Aquaculture Fantasy League. Giving you the opportunity to compete for the title of Manager of the Year!

Join a social and engaging game

Fantasy Premier League is one of the world's most popular games, with over 11 million players globally, including around 300,00 from Norway. The game is free and Scale Aquaculture invites everyone in the aquaculture industry to join, whether you are experienced or completely new. This gives individuals a good chance to connect with others in the industry, have fun and maybe even win some prizes!

Prizes and awards

Each Game Week, a 'Manager of the GW' will be crowned and will receive an exclusive 'mystery package' from ScaleAQ. At the end of the season, one person will be awarded the title of 'Manager of the Year,' who will take home a special main prize.

How to join

Scale Aquaculture encourages everyone to join and make this a social and enjoyable experience. Share it with colleagues and partners - the more participants, the more exciting the competition.

To participate, click the link HERE, and fill out the form.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Tidal launches from Alphabet's moonshot factory

August 15, 2024 - Tidal, a team that has spent the past six years developing and scaling novel underwater perception technology to help revolutionise the aquaculture space, launched in July as an independent company from X, the moonshot factory, Alphabet's innovation engine. With funding from Perry Creek Capital, Norwegian-based Ichthus Venture Capital (IVC) backed by Kverva, and Futurum Ventures, Tidal is poised to rapidly continue expansion and give salmon aquaculture a new level of insight to improve business performance and sustainability.

The Tidal platform

The Tidal team has partnered for years with industry leaders such as Mowi, combining their deep-rooted knowledge of fish farming with Tidal's expertise in AI, underwater robotics and data science. The result is Tidal's patented and commercially available underwater camera system and software platform, installed across more than 250 pens globally. "Tidal's technology focuses on providing precise and real-time data at scale to support the salmon aquaculture industry to address major challenges and unlock new opportunities," adds Rajesh Jadhav, CEO of Tidal.

The system allows farmers to track real-time growth and estimate harvest results, monitor and act early on fish welfare trends, act decisively in response to sea lice pressure, and feed fish with the industry's first fully-integrated AI-powered autonomous feeding capability. This suite of tools enables fish farmers to better understand and optimise their operations to reduce costs and waste, make data-driven decisions to improve production efficiency and planning, and proactively manage fish well being and the surrounding environment. "The Tidal system is the most advanced sensing and analysis platform in aquaculture, and undoubtedly the one with the greatest potential," said Øyvind Oaland, COO of Modi Farming Norway.

Next wave of AI

With this new investment in Tidal to catalyse ongoing growth, the company is establishing an even stronger base in Norway, and expanding to new geographies Chile and Australia. "We see huge potential in the value that Tidal can offer farmers. Based on our deep industry knowledge and understanding, we are confident in Tidal's capabilities and ability to succeed and provide solutions for key challenges and de-bottleneck growth opportunities within the aquaculture industry,"says Mats Malvig, Managing Director from IVC, the newly launched seafood venture investment company owned by Kverva. "Tidal has already established a strong track record working at scale, and we're excited to support them as they continue to expand their operations," said Brian Zingale, Perry Creek Capital, who led the round.

Tidal's aquaculture platform ties into the company's mission, to support global food security and protect ocean health. In a recent blog post about Tidal's graduation from C, Captain of Moonshots Astro Teller wrote, "We're excited to launch climate-based business like Tidal at a time when the world needs these moonshots more than ever." TIME magazine recognised the Tidal platform as one of the Best Inventions of 2023 in its sustainability category.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Monday, August 12, 2024

Indian Marine Ingredients Association Applauds Lifting of Moratorium on Fish Meal and Fish Oil Units

August 12, 2024 - The Indian Marine Ingredients Association (IMIA) has welcomed the decision by the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) to lift the moratorium on the registration of new fish meal and fish oil units and endorse additional capacity. This pivotal move is set to revitalise the industry and ensure a sustainable future for India's fishing and aquaculture sectors.

Key highlights

  • Global leadership - India ranks as the world's third-largest producer and exporter of fish meal and holds prominent position as the third-largest contributor in the Indian fisheries sector.
  • Sustainability initiatives - Major raw material used for fishmeal is small pelagic which is low value fish, highly resistant, low human preference, sustainable and abundant in Indian waters. The industry is committed to waste management and resource conservation, transforming byproducts into valuable protein sources.
  • Protein fulfilment - Fish meal plays a crucial role in meeting the protein needs of aquaculture, poultry and livestock, supporting food security.
  • Support for fishermen - The industry significantly contributes to the livelihoods of Indian fishermen and generates substantial revenue for local communities.
  • Economic and environmental growth - MPEDA's decision underscores a commitment to balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability. The authority's actions to address illegal production and unethical practices by one producers from Udupi is commendable and essential for the industry's integrity.
  • United effort for progress - Being a multi-stakeholder sector, fisheries require a united approach to ensure waste management, resource conservation, livelihood security, productivity and overall welfare for all involved entities.

The fish meal industry stands poised for a new era driven by innovation and economic opportunity. IMIA say they would like to extend its gratitude to the Government for its forward-thinking approach and the framework provided to guide the industry towards a prosperous future.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Norwegian Mycelium welcomes Erik Tveteraas as CFO

August 12, 2024 - Norwegian Mycelium (NoMy) has announced the appointment of Erik Tveteraas as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Erik joins NoMy from Nutreco, where he led its strategic investment and innovation arm, NuFrontiers. There he managed Nutreco's investment portfolio across Animal Health, Nutrition (incl. Sustainable Ingredients), Precision Farming, Alternative Aquaculture Farming Tech and Alternative Protein.

Erik Tveteraas

NoMy is a fermentation technology company transforming food industry side and waste streams into low-carbon, circular ingredients, using the power of fungi. Founded in 2020 and based in Oslo, Norway, the company currently collaborates with industry players and science powerhouses such as Skretting, SINTEF and the Norwegian Research Council to commercialise mycoprotein for feed applications. By deploying an asset-efficient scaling strategy and clear focus on product market-fit, the company plans to grow into pilot scale and initial commercial scale over the next 6-12 months.

Ingrid Donna, CEO and Co-founder of NoMy said: "I'm delighted that Erik is joining the company at a pivotal moment. As a strategic CFO, he enhances our investor readiness and strengthens our ongoing development of symbiotic industry partnerships. His extensive knowledge of the feed industry, coupled with his vast experience in investments, impactful innovations and partnerships, makes him the ideal choice to support NoMY in our long-term go-to-market strategy."

David Andew Quist, Chief Explorer and Co-founder of NoMY added: "The formation of NoMy back in 2019 was built on the premise of building a business that delivers real impact. The world has a massive and growing protein deficit. Fungi and proven fermentation technologies are key solutions in solving that. We are excited that Erik will add his expertise to the team, based on his wealth of experience in the feed industry and technology-enabled investments".

Erik Tveteraas contributed: "I'm excited to join NoMy at an important time in the company's history, and a critical time for the society to deliver new sustainable protein solutions. Having tracked raw materials markets for years and evaluated dozens of alternative ingredient sources, NoMy stood out with clear differentiating features. The feed and farming industries need to adapt to maintain social acceptance. In NoMy I saw a credible business model for scale, cost and product quality that can complement the traditional raw material basket; delivering both low environmental impact and 'local-for-local' supply cain resiliency that I'm confident will help meet sustainability goals across the value chains we target".

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Thursday, August 8, 2024

ASC Improver Programme shines at Bangladesh's inaugural Seafood Expo

August 8, 2024 - Roy van Daatselaar, Head of ASC Improver Programme, attended the first ever Bangladesh International Aquaculture & Seafood Show (BIASS) in July and, along with LENK Frozen Foods, presented how the Improver Programme by ASC benefits both farms and communities. The Improver Programme supports farms that are not ready or eligible for ASC certification but are committed to improving their farming practices.

In September 2023, in partnership with LENK Frozen Foods and Luna Shrimp Farms, ASC launched its first Aquaculture Improvement Project (AIP) under the Improver Programme in Bangladesh.

125 farmers across five clusters currently participate in the AIP with Luna Shrimp Farms, producing up to 400 kilograms of shrimp per hectare a year. LENK is currently initiating a second AIP covering approximately another 275 farmers.

The audience at the expo was treated to a special viewing of an evocative short film, shot by ASC in the beautiful Bangladesh landscape. The film features local farmers from the Satkhira region, who are taking part in the AIP supported by ASC. The farmers describe the improvements they have been able to make following training in applying better practices and the benefits this generates for the local environment, economy and society.

During their visit, Roy and LENK Frozen Foods' Managing Director Heiko Lenk, spent a few days visiting the farmer clusters involved in the AIP. They discussed progress and any challenges the farmers were facing and were also able to see firsthand the community building and social engagement benefits the Improver Programme brings.

Building a premium brand for Bangladeshi black tiger shrimp

As fisheries and seafood farming sectors make an important contribution to Bangladesh's economy, harnessing aquaculture opportunities is a top priority for the country. ASC is on a mission to support this goal and improve the seafood farming sector in Bangladesh.

Unlike neighbouring countries in Asia which primarily focus on the production on Pacific white shrimp, Bangladesh's shrimp production is driven by the traditional, extensive cultivation of black tiger shrimp of 'bagda'.

Roy said, "The AIP is not only helping farmers improve practices and move to ASC certification, it's much more than that. Through the AIP and in combination with improvements along the supply chain focused at maintaining product quality, we are aiming to unlock future premium markets for the Luna Shrimp Farms products.

"Such markets would create a better value proposition, opening up opportunities for shared value creation across the supply chain including a better price for the farmers. Black tiger shrimp production is a key contributor to the country's aquaculture sector and together with our partner Lenk, we believe there is a strong opportunity to build a premium brand around the culture and heritage of extensive, natural black tiger production."

Supporting shrimp farming communities

Not only shrimp farmers benefit from the AIP - the whole community does too. Many shrimp farmers and their families live in remote areas with limited access to educational materials, transportation and other basic facilities like water supply. People must sometimes walk long distances and queue to get water, and children share scarce supplies and materials in their community school.

Heiko Lenk, LENK Frozen Foods' Managing Director and founder of Luna Shrimp Farms, said, "Community building and social engagement are part of the work we do for the AIP. When we help the families and the community, we also help the shrimp farmers.

"Recently we renovated a school and we are currently focusing on capacity building for teachers and providing school materials. Outside the school, we built a rooftop above the water well, arranged a hygienic latrine, and donated sewing machines, giving women a purpose and opportunity to generate income and contribute to their families' livelihood. In the longer term, we are also looking into mangrove reforestation in the area."

LENK aims to continue community building and ultimately establish the Luna Shrimp Farms Foundation. 

"As our shrimp is raised not far from the world's largest mangrove area, the Sundarbans, known for its ability to protect land and its residents by stabilising shorelines, preventing erosion, and improving water quality, we also want to look into mangrove reforestation in the future. In the end, we hope to function as a role model by inspiring other farmers and industries. Commercially, we seek to develop a higher appreciation for Bangladeshi black tiger shrimp and to enter more markets besides Europe," Heiko concluded.

Speaking about future plans for the Bangladesh AIP, Roy said, "Improvements have to be made both at farm level and in the supply chain, but if we can increase the number of farmers in the AIP from 125 ro around 300 or 400, this starts to generate significant business income that will allow Lenk to reinvest some of these revenues back into the community through a charitable foundation Heiko hopes to set up.

"ASC is delighted to work with LENK on these projects as supporting aquaculture producers and their communities is one of the key objectives of our programme."

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Thema Automation announces successful installation in Cyprus

August 8, 2024 - Thema Automation has announced the successful installation of their latest 16 Gate OptiBatch Grader in Cyprus.

This state-of-the-art system is now operational, grading Sea Bream and Sea Bass to ensure high quality and consistency for its users.

The companies graders are now running in over 11 countries (Greece, Cyprus, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Albania, Poland, Austria, Turkey) and they also have their service team available to help customers with any problems they may face.

The company says that they are proud to support the local and global aquaculture community with cutting-edge technology that enhances productivity and product quality. And that they wish to give a big thank you to their dedicated team and partners who made this possible.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Friday, August 2, 2024

Serkan Aydin joins Aller Aqua

August 2, 2024 - Aller Aqua has announced that Serkan Aydin has joined their team as the Area Sales Manager for the Middle East & Gulf Region bringing with him a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the aquaculture and feeds industry in the region.

Serkan has spent several years building his expertise in the aquafeed sector, with significant experience specifically in the Middle East & Gulf region. Aller Aqua says that his extensive knowledge and proven track record in this market make him an invaluable addition to their team as they continue to expand and strengthen their presence.

The Middle East & Gulf Region is a key focus for Aller Aqua, and with Serkan's engagement, they are well positioned to further their reach and impact in this rapidly growing market. The company believes that his customer-centric approach will drive forward their efforts to deliver high-quality feed solutions uniquely suited to the needs of their clients in the region.

Aller Aqua prides themselves on their commitment to innovation, excellence and sustainability. With Serkan on board, they are confident that they will not only maintain these standards but also optimise their service offerings to build stronger relationships.

"I am excited to become part of a long history of building great partnerships. With being closer with our customers in the Middle East & Gulf Region, we can create even more impactful solutions for the region. I look forward to very interesting days ahead", says Serkan.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists

Ace Aquatec and Piszolla partnership takes sustainable Spanish trout from pond to plate

August 2, 2024 - Aquaculture technology innovators Ace Aquatec are making waves in Spain, after sealing a deal with Aqualande-owned trout farmer Piszolla to install the company's first stunning system.

Ace Aquatec's award-winning Humane Stunner Universal (A-HSU) will be used at Piszolla's open pond farming site in Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, marking its first venture into the Spanish market as the Dundee-based company continues to expand the presence of its innovative humane stunning products in Europe.

Piszolla, which was acquired by Aqualande in 2018, produces approximately 5000 tonnes of trout per year which are supplied year-round to markets across Europe and also provides high-end smoked trout, a premium product sold to major supermarket chains.

With demand for ethically harvested fish growing in Europe, the installation reflects a growing trend towards higher standards of welfare in Spain and the Mediterranean region - a movement with Ace Aquatec's technology is helping to facilitate. Ace Aquatec's A-HSU device stuns fish unconscious in less than a second, minimising handling requirements and thereby reducing stress for the fish, as well as enabling a safer and more efficient harvesting process.

Ace Aquatec and Piszolla's relationship began at the 2022 Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, and, with Europe likely to see the introduction of stronger welfare regulations in the coming years, the installation reinforces Piszolla's position as trailblazers of more humane and sustainable practices in the Spanish trout farming industry.

Julio Hernandez, Regional Manager at Piszolla, said: "The installation of Ace Aquatec's trout stunner will enable us not only to streamline our operations, but also to break new ground for animal welfare standards in Spain. We aspire to be pioneers of humane harvesting standards in this region, and this technology is set to have a huge impact for us in terms of generating high-quality, high-welfare and sustainable products for consumers globally".

Tara McGregor-Woodhams, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Ace Aquatec, added: "Piszolla's steadfast commitment to enhancing welfare standards in their Spanish site closely aligns with our ethos of providing humane and sustainable aquaculture solutions, and we're excited to be helping them to pave the way towards humane slaughter in Spain. Julio leads a forward-thinking, progressively minded team who are at the forefront of change in the region, and we're looking forward to seeing where this new partnership will lead us".

Their first installation in Spain adds to Ace Aquatec's growing global presence, joining existing partnerships in Greece, Chile and Australia, amongst others.

For more information, visit HERE.

The Aquaculturists