Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Aqua Nor symposium is now available to rewatch online

Asian countries that produce seaweed and kelp request modern and innovative technology. When measured in tonnes, the production of seaweed and kelp is far greater than Norwegian salmon farming. Even so, in many Asian countries, the production is still largely manual. Therefore, Norwegian aquaculture technology that can contribute to the expansion and further development of operations is in high demand.

In collaboration with Sintef Ocean and NTNU Ocean, Aqua Nor arranged a digital half-day symposium exploring these possibilities. The symposium, which was held on the Aqua Nor Digital platform, is now available in the archive on the same platform.

950 participants from 22 countries attended the seminar 'live' at Aqua Nor Digital at the end of November. With such an important and exciting topic, and so many great contributions, the organisers decided to make the symposium available after the event. The seminar is now available in the archive at Aqua Nor Digital, says Kristian Digre, CEO of the Nor-Fishing Foundation.

Great opportunities for Norwegian technology development
The symposium 'Seaweed production; Technological possibilities and challenges' emphasised the opportunities that exist for Norwegian producers of modern and innovative aquaculture technology. The participants gained insight into how seaweed and kelp production is run today, and what challenges some countries have that Norwegian technology can help solve.

Researchers from Sintef Ocean and contributors from the aquaculture industry shared their experiences and insight into the field. In addition, participants gained useful insight into ongoing European research projects, among others, from the UN Global Compact.

How to attend the symposium
The event is available on the digital trade fair platform Aqua Nor Digital. To gain access:

  • Register your user
  • Log in to Aqua Nor Digital
  • Go to «Live Studio» on the left side of the lobby
  • Select the event «Symposium 2021»

Visit the platform, HERE.

The Aquaculturists

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