Tuesday, May 31, 2016

31/05/2016: Norwegian salmon industry will benefit from improvements in Chilean farming

Improved biology in Chile with predictable and sustainable volume growth will benefit Norwegian salmon industry, was the key messages from Cermaq’s CEO Jon Hindar at the Seafood conference today.

Mr John Hindar
According to Cermaq, Norway and Chile accounted for 80 percent of global supply in 2015, and other regions are too small to materially impact global market balance and prices. Hence, a prolonged negative growth scenario in Chile can lead to demand destruction for salmon unless growth in Norway can compensate.

SRS is the main challenge in Chile, leading to low price and quality realization and a concerning high use of antibiotics. An effective vaccine against SRS is needed. Cermaq in engaged in R&D as basis for vaccine development and is also running systematic trial of new vaccines.

However,this is definitely possible, but there are no "quick fixes" for a recovery of Chilean salmon farming to a sustainable industry, concluded Jon Hindar. 

Cermaq, who are a world leading producer of sustainable salmon and trout with operations in Chile, Canada and Norway, supplies salmon to customers in more than 70 countries and is an integrated farming company with operations from broodstock.

As one of the world's leading companies in farming of salmon and trout, Cermaq is a fully owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation with their head office based in Oslo, Norway.

Read more HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

The Interview: Dr Juan Pablo Lazo

The World Aquaculture Society (WAS) was created in 1969 and currently has nearly 3,000 members in about 100 countries. The international character of the society and the need to address specific the specific issues in various regions of the world, they currently have local chapters in the United States, Japan, Korea, the Asia-Pacific region and in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its annual meeting was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, from 22nd to 26th February this year.
At their most recent gathering, the society’s new president, Dr. Juan Pablo Lazo shared some of the strategies that he intends to implement to achieve the society’s objectives.

Aquaculture Society (WAS) meant to you?
It is an honor and a privilege for me to take charge of the World Aquaculture Society for the next presidential term. I am committed to promoting our Society in continuing its position as the leader in Science, Technology and Education Information exchange throughout the world.

Prior to becoming WAS president, what was your role in the organisation and what issues were you dealing with?
I have been a member of the society since the early 90’s and have been involved in organising several international symposiums on Aquaculture Nutrition as well as other WAS sponsored meetings. I served as the President of the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of WAS from 2009 to 2011, and my role focused on encouraging greater integration between research, educational institutions and businesses, whilst promoting aquaculture development within the chapter. I then served on the board from 2011 to 2014 as a Director. As Chair of the Affiliations Committee, I focused on promoting and enhancing alliances with aquaculture organizations through the world.

Would you tell us about your background and how that experience will help the WAS and it’s membership?
I obtained my BS in Biochemical Engineering at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM). I then pursued a MS degree at LSU in Fisheries and Aquaculture and a PhD in Marine Science at the UT Austin, with a specialty in marine fish nutrition. I returned to my home country (Mexico) in 2000 to work as professor and research scientist in the Department of Aquaculture at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE), a federal research centre dedicated to basic and applied research. I perform basic and applied research to support the development of marine fish farming in Mexico and Latin America. One of my research goals is to identify and evaluate ingredients that could potentially replace fishmeal and fish oil in formulated diets.
I have taught undergraduate, masters and doctoral courses at several universities in Latin American and has served as a thesis advisor for several masters and doctoral students in the US and Latin America. I have participated in several collaborative projects and consultancies aimed at the development of sustainable culture protocols of marine fish in the Latin American region.

What is your key objective(s) for your team as President? Where do you see the organisation benefiting most from your direction?
I believe that through adequate leadership and collaboration the society can significantly contribute to the sustainable development and integration of the aquaculture industry across the world. The quality of services provided to our members must be improved to focus more specifically on their particular needs closely coupled with our quickly changing trends and to increase global representation within the society of underrepresented groups particularly from Africa, Latin America and some Asian regions. I would also like to make WAS more visible and recognised in the global aquaculture community, and to increase our member involvement with our affiliates and vice-versa.
Social media plays a crucial role in the exchange of information and WAS must embrace technological venues as a means of communication and will be given a high priority if elected. During my term, There is an urgent need to improve the quality of our scientific journal, JWAS. A new Editor in Chief and new strategies have been put in place to attract the submission of higher quality papers and improve the impact of our scientific journal.

How do you draw together the various sides of the industry - aquaculture scientists, policymakers and industry suppliers - to provide a cohesive organization?
WAS serves as primary facilitator of information exchange, technology transfer, policy development and communication between all sectors engaged in aquaculture.  I believe that by making WAS more visible and recognised in the global aquaculture community and by increasing our member involvement with our partners we can draw all key-players around the world together in developing the aquaculture industry in a sustainable way. We are now implementing new industry AWARDS to recognize industry leaders that have a strong impact on aquaculture around the world and should help in providing a more cohesive organization.

Since 2013 the supply of farmed seafood has overtaken wild caught seafood in terms of consumer demand. What is the position of WAS in supporting this growth in a sustainable and responsible way?
We need to be aware of the Challenges presented to us for meeting consumer demands for aquaculture products in the next 10-15 years. Although we produce nearly 50 percent of the fisheries products, we have a daunting task to double our current production by 2030, but this needs to be done in a sustainable manner using the Best Practices Guidelines around the world and this is where our Society plays an important role. We need to be concerned with what we leave to our future generations and the environment.

What is your vision for the future in terms of the organisation and the role of aquaculture in food supply?
I see WAS as becoming the leading, high-profile and most important aquaculture society in the world, committed to promoting the development of sustainable aquaculture across the five continents by assisting in the exchange of the latest scientific and technological information between the academic, private, government and non-profit sectors. WAS must also further develop its capacity for identifying the challenges faced by the aquaculture industry, and providing solutions in a timely, efficient and scientifically sound manner. I also envision WAS as a leading promoter of best-practice guidelines for the aquaculture industry, a key component of sustainable development

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Aquafeed Interview - Professor Glencross

Dr Brett Glencross is the Professor for Aquaculture Nutrition at the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling. He commenced this role in January 2016 and has also been the Insitute’s Director of Research since March 2016.
 However, prior to his most recent appointment, Prof Glencross has worked closely with several major international aquaculture feed companies throughout Australia, Asia and Europe. He also has Honours and Masters Degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Western Australia and a PhD in Animal Nutrition from the University of Queensland.
Since moving to Scotland, his work has focused on species such as Atlantic salmon, chinook salmon, barramundi and shrimp.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Aquatic China 2016



part of

Throughout the world consumers’ behaviour and attitude towards food has been changing and, as a result, the industries supplying food need to focus on the exchange of information in order to meet these new demands. 
For example, retailers are demanding traceability; evidence of sustainable environmental activities including welfare (both social and animal) in addition to their usual tight specifications and this is particularly relevant in aquaculture where consumer acceptance is still being questioned.
Consumers are demanding healthier food and questioning the supply chain on all nutritional aspects, from the feed through to the food.

 The one day conference is made up of the three following sessions

Aquaculture UK - Technology on display

If you are in Scotland today for Aquaculture UK - don't miss our guide to the 'Technology on display' at the event. 
Come along to stand 53, and pick up the guide that appears on page 54 of the May | June 2016 edition of International Aquafeed magazine
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Aquaculture UK starts today

The International Aquafeed team are in Scotland for Aquaculture UK today, with lots of free copies of the magazine for visitors to read. 
If you are at the event, please drop by stand 53 for a coffee while you have a look through the magazine. We always enjoy meeting our readers!

You can also stay up to date with the goings on at the event,  with the #aquacultureuk2016 twitter feed in the top right hand corner of our homepage.

Monday, May 23, 2016

23/05/2016: Norway’s new Fisheries Minister looking forward to Nor-Fishing 2016

Norway’s new Fisheries Minister, Per Sandberg (Image: NFD)
Per Sandberg is relatively new in his role as Minister of Fisheries. He took over on the 16th of December 2015, and is still learning the ropes. Previously he has not been engaged in fisheries matters, but he is learning fast. He is also known as one of Norway’s most controversial and free-spoken politicians with strong opinions on most matters.

When Mr Sandberg was appointed, there were mixed reactions. Some expected he would make a mess of things, while others were happy to get a fisheries minister who would surely put the fisheries sector on the political agenda.
Nor-Fishing met Mr Sandberg in his office in Oslo one sunny day in April.

How do you feel you were received by the industry?

Fantastically! I don’t think I had any negative comments from anybody in the industry. Of course some may disagree with me on certain matters, but that’s ok. That is, after all, politics, and disagreement is part and parcel of politics. But everybody in the industry has been really positive, from fishermen and producers to exporters.

When I was appointed Minister of Fisheries, some people commented that I “had to settle for” this position, that I perhaps had “higher aspirations”.  But they were completely wrong! As I see it, this is the most exciting position in Government. And think of the potential of this industry!

This is the most promising and exciting sector in Norway. And we Norwegians have a lot to be proud of in this field. I believe we have the world’s best fisheries management system, and we are at the forefront when it comes to fisheries and aquaculture technology.

I am somewhat of a newcomer to this field, but fortunately I have an exceptionally qualified staff to tutor me. Oftentimes I have to ask for a little 'lesson' when faced with matters that are not my speciality, and the staff is more than willing to instruct me. I am very grateful to them for that, because I can at times be a difficult man to work with. After all, I have a reputation for being quite stubborn. But it has happened on several occasions that I have changed my mind after having received more information and having had the time to reflect a bit more.

What do you think about the Norwegian fisheries industry today?
Norwegian fisheries have developed over hundreds of years. I just visited the Norwegian Research Council, and they told me the fascinating story about Jonas Axel Boeck and GO Sars, who in the 1860s got curious about what happened to the cod eggs in the ocean. Through the work they did, the foundation for the Norwegian fisheries research was laid. In this field we are among the foremost nations today. 

We should also mention the development of vessels and gear technology. In a way, Norwegian maritime technology started with fishing vessels. The know-how and technology in this field was later transferred to shipping, and then to the offshore oil sector. And now we see that suppliers to the offshore petroleum industry are turning to fisheries and aquaculture, as offshore projects are getting few and far between. In a way, the circle is complete.

Norway is the second largest exporter of seafood, and we are Europe’s largest fisheries and aquaculture nation. At present, everything is growing, and we could say that the situation is a bit abnormal: we have too much market and too little fish. I was recently in Poland, and down there they were crying because they could not get enough fish from Norway for their processing plants.

Although we are on an upward trend right now, we should be aware that it might not last. It is far from certain that this positive development will continue into the future.

What special challenges do you see in the coming years?
What we need to focus on now is how we can achieve a better utilisation of the raw material we take out of the ocean. Globally, perhaps as much as 30 million tonnes are lost every year! Processing waste, heads, intestines, offal or what we now call “rest raw material”. Much more of this can be turned into food for human consumption. In addition, there are emerging industries in chemicals and cosmetics and other  fields that use fish raw material for their production. 

Norway is a small country, and we have to cooperate with other countries about both resources and markets. Do you have any thoughts on that?
It is worth noticing that Norway participates in a broad and very fruitful cooperation within the field of fisheries. Although we are a small country, in fisheries and aquaculture we are big. When we speak in these international fora, the others listen to what we have to say.

I would like to especially point to our relationship with Russia. In spite of sanctions and the fact that Norwegian seafood is now barred from this market, we have managed to continue our cooperation within the management of the fisheries in the Arctic. Yes, there have been some smaller incidents, but in general this cooperation continues successfully.

Market access is essential to the Norwegian seafood industry. Any thoughts on that?
We are extremely dependent on the EU, because about two thirds of our seafood is exported to that market. But the EU is also dependent on us. The EU needs our fish for their processing plants and they need our seafood for their tables. The EU has a gigantic, - and increasing -, deficit in their fish trade, and has to import over 11 million tonnes of seafood every year.

While the EU is very important, we have to develop other markets, too, and I have great faith in the Norwegian seafood industry’s ability to do so. Look at what happened when Russia banned Norwegian seafood! Within a very short time our exporters had found new markets, and our total exports continued to grow. But Russia will be back. I have great faith in Russia.

Also, we should not forget countries like Japan and China. On the Chinese market we have also had some problems, but I believe these will be sorted out shortly. I am very fond of China, and I hope that I will have an opportunity to visit China while I am Minister of Fisheries.

As Minister of Fisheries, how can you help the industry internationally?
I am doing my best promoting Norwegian seafood when I am travelling abroad. Some will probably say that I am more active as an ambassador for Norwegian seafood than as a Minister of Fisheries. But I can live with that criticism. There is no reason why I should not be able to promote Norwegian fisheries technology also and I really look forward to visiting Nor-Fishing this year. It will be my first visit to this exhibition, although my wife has been there several times.

At present, our country is going through a process of change. The fisheries and aquaculture industry is one of the sectors that we have to develop further in the future. We have enormous ambitions, also internationally, and this is one of the reasons I am looking forward to mingling with the elite of the industry in Trondheim in August. I believe we have a lot to offer to other countries in this field. Many could learn important lessons from Norwegian fisheries management, for example.

I have had a look at the plans for Nor-Fishing 2016, and I must say I am very happy with the theme this year: how can Norwegian fisheries technology and management be used by other countries. This will be important to commercial operators as well as authorities in other countries. Usually, we have visiting delegations from a number of foreign countries coming to Nor-Fishing. I don’t have a complete overview yet, but I am sure several delegations will come this year, too.

We’ll see you all at Nor-Fishing! I am really looking forward to it!
Visit the Nor-Fishing site HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

23/05/2016: Arctic Fish is first to gain ASC Certification in Iceland

Arctic Fish has become the very first aquaculture producer to achieve Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certification in Iceland.

The Dyrafjordur and Önundafjordur farms, both part of Arctic Fish’s sea farm operations on the Westfjords, a large peninsula in northwestern Iceland, are certified to produce ASC rainbow trout. The on-site assessment was conducted by SCS Global Services, an independent, third-party certification company.

“Iceland is still a small player in the sea farming on international scale with only 4 ths. tonnes harvested last year of salmon and trout and expected to more than double this year mainly from the Westfjords,” said Sigurður Pétursson CEO of Arctic Fish.

“There is good potential for future growth and the good environment in Iceland for sustainable and eco-friendly farming methods. ASC certification of our farming operations helps our small farming operation to get international recognition which we expect to assist us in the marketing of our nice products. We are very pleased to have the ASC certification and I am proud of my staff for all the preparation and work they have put into the certification process.”

Chris Ninnes, CEO of the ASC said, “It is a pleasure to welcome Arctic Fish to the ASC programme. The certification of the first farm in Iceland is a great example of how producers are meeting the increased market demand for ASC certified products around the world.”

“Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of food production and is integral to global food security. As demand for farmed fish continues to rise, it is increasingly important that producers operate at a level that minimises impacts to the environment, provides fair and proper conditions for those who work on the farms, and that is considerate of the people in the communities where the farms are situated. By becoming ASC certified, Arctic Fish has committed to doing just that. This achievement sets them apart as leaders in their country and in the larger effort to improve the industry.”


Arctic Fish was established in 2011 and initially started with a single sea site for trout. Over time, it has grown into an operation covering every aspect of fish farming. In addition to increasing sea farming operations under its subsidiary Arctic Sea Farm, the company operates Arctic Smolt, a recirculation hatchery, and Arctic Oddi, a processing facility for the fish nurtured in the Westfjords of Iceland.

Situated in the crystal clear waters off of the Icelandic shoreline, Arctic Fish uses naturally occurring warm springs in their hatchery and green electrical energy. Iceland’s ecosystem confers a great number of advantages at the farm site, including a natural inhibition of viral diseases and most pests, and Arctic Fish does not use any antibiotics during its production.

The ASC is an independent, international organisation that aims to transform the aquaculture industry to a higher standard through a global certification and labelling program with a focus on good management practices. The programme meets international codes of good conduct, including FAO Guidelines for eco-labelling and ISEAL Standard Setting Codes.

The ASC standards address the negative impacts of fish farming, including dependence on wild fish for feed; inadequate supply of seed; lack of appropriate techniques; discharges of organic matter, phosphorus, and nitrogen; fish escapes; transfer of diseases and parasites between farmed and wild fish; the introduction of non-indigenous species and the use of therapeutants and antibiotics. It also mandates that all workers have freedom of association, employment contracts inline with ILO regulations, no child-labour and that the communities in which farms are situated be consulted on farm operations.

Since the first farm was certified in 2012, participation in the ASC scheme has grown nearly 98 percent each year. Despite the fact that the programme is still in a start-up phase, at the time of press, there are currently ASC certified farms in 29 countries and more than 5000 consumer products available for purchase worldwide.

Visit the ASC site HERE and the Arctic Fish site HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Friday, May 20, 2016

20/05/2016: South-East Asia and Pacific Regional Fisheries Summit - Investing in the transition to sustainable fisheries

Jakarta skyline (Image: The Diary of a Hotel Advert)
July 27th–28th 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia
The South-East Asia and Pacific Regional Fisheries Summit aims to stimulate a broad discussion on fisheries reform across South-East Asia and the adjacent Pacific. How to scale and finance the necessary investments is central to this discussion.
Equally important, they will explore, debate and encourage collaboration and progress across the widest group of stakeholders. Working groups from this Fisheries Summit will be encouraged to report on their progress at the World Ocean Summit to be held in Bali in February 2017.
Learn more HERE.
The organisers have 10 VIP complimentary guest passes to attend the event (NB: no travel or accommodation included).
To win one of these passes please submit an email with the subject heading - 'Economist Fisheries' and addressed to gohwell.roy@gmail.com with your answer to this question:
"What change will you make if you were able to obtain a free VIP pass to the South-East Asia and Pacific Fisheries Summit?"
Include your name/title/organisation and address/tel no with your entry.
Entries close 10 June 2016.
(Please be aware - the organisers may choose to publish some of the entries)

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

20/05/2016: Aquaculture UK 2016 set to be bigger and better than ever

Aviemore skyline (Image: Alex Liivet)
This year, Aquaculture UK, 25-26 May 2016, is set to be bigger and better than ever with over 130 exhibitors from around the world showcasing the latest in aquaculture health and innovation.

Held every two years in the small town of Aviemore, nestled in the beautiful Cairngorms National Park, Aquaculture UK brings together leading scientists, companies, farmers and aquaculture experts from around the world.

As the biggest aquaculture show in the UK, Aquaculture UK 2016, is not one to miss. As well as a trade show, the conference will also feature a two-day seminar programme covering many of the industry's challenges, the importance of aquaculture training and knowledge transfer and aquaculture health and biosecurity, to name a few.

“The focus is on making sure the discussions at the conference reflect the most important issues relevant to this year’s visitors,” said Matt Colvan, Director at 5m Publishing.

Jonn Sólheim Thomsen at KJ, the largest supplier of cages and catamarans to the Faroese salmon industry and exhibitors at the event said: “We are coming back this year because Aquaculture UK 2014 was very good for us."

“We met many people from the industry and received orders on cages and catamarans. We are now looking forward to Aquaculture UK 2016 to meet both current and future customers.”
Image: Michael Lehet
Gala dinner
The popular Gala Dinner will also be held on Wednesday evening and offers you the chance to relax and mingle with friends and colleagues. Evening entertainment will be provided by Robbie Glen. With his "dry Scottish wit and natural timing" Robbie is described as being "one of the finest after-dinner speakers you're likely to hear." There are limited spaces remaining so make sure you book your place as soon as possible. To book your seat please click HERE. 

Knowledge transfer

The sharing of knowledge to further the growth of the aquaculture industry is at the heart of the event. With this in mind, entry to the two day show is FREE, giving everyone the opportunity to meet with leading experts and decision makers or to talk about their latest research and developments.

Mr Colvan commented: “This ground-breaking exhibition, conference and gala dinner is recognised as the essential place to launch and promote new products, meet new customers, establish relationships with buyers and suppliers, and network with everyone from industry influencers to leading academics, hands-on researchers, government agencies and international journalists.”

David Mack, who founded the event, added: “Going forward, feedback has been taken from previous events to make this year’s show the biggest and the best yet.”

To register for your free visitor pass please click HERE.

For more information visit the Aquaculture UK website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

20/05/2016: Innovative approach to ultrasound could increase salmon harvest volumes

The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has launched the first of its Rapid Response projects with an initiative that will explore the potential of a novel approach to ultrasound to delouse farmed salmon and, ultimately, increase harvest volumes.

The six-month project brings together industry partner Pulcea with academic partners from the University of Dundee and the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling to research the efficacy of ultrasound in targeting and dislodging naturally occurring sea lice in a non-invasive and non-harmful way.

Says Heather Jones, CEO of the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC): “This innovative new project is precisely the kind of initiative that our Rapid Response scheme was set up to support. It is small-scale at this stage but, if successful, could have a significant positive impact on the aquaculture industry not just in Scotland but around the world.”

Awarded grant funding of UK£39,467 by SAIC, the project seeks to quickly determine the ability of ultrasound to delouse salmon in a way that neither harms the host fish nor the environment.

Explains Dr Paul Campbell, Reader of Physics at University of Dundee: “We’re taking a technique that’s proven successful in human medicine and we’re carefully re-engineering it to explore its effectiveness in advancing fish health.”

If the preliminary results are positive, the industry-academia partnership intends to upscale the ultrasound-based treatment to a comprehensive marine engineering solution with global reach.

Maximising harvest volumes is just one of the anticipated outcomes of the project. Comments Ian Armstrong, Managing Director of Pulcea: “As we progress further into our research, we hope to make a number of other discoveries that will benefit fish health and welfare. These, in turn, could help to unlock the industry’s growth potential and deliver real economic benefit to Scottish aquaculture and beyond.”

Visit the SAIC site HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Extru-Tech® company profile

Founded in 1985, Extru-Tech® has installed numerous extrusion systems worldwide designed for the production of human food, pet food, aquatic feed and animal feed products. Extru-Tech® also maintains the reputation of supplying the extrusion industry with superior quality replacement parts.

Extru-Tech® currently produces and markets one of the industry's most complete lines of extrusion processing systems. In addition, they offer a full line of ancillary equipment and customized equipment solutions for specialized processes

Visit the website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Zhengchang company profile

Established in 1918, Zhengchang has made constant innovations in feed machinery industry and accumulated a wealth of experience in tackling the various challenges facing feed companies and, more importantly, is able to offer a range of comprehensive solutions. ZCME has now evolved into China’s largest manufacture of feed machinery and has 16 branches in China with over 1300 staff and more than thirty offices all over the world.

Zhengchang to date has successfully constructed more than 2000 turnkey projects around the world, covering the fields of poultry and livestock feed, aquatic feed, pet food, premix feed, sawdust pellets, fertilizer, silo storage, pasture, electrical control and garbage treatment etc. ZCME projects are designed to deliver to the client higher feed quality, higher overall capacity and greater profits.

Zhengchang have overcome many challenges for our customers and accumulated rich experience over the past 90 years. We are now making great endeavors to apply our latest achievements to feed, pasture, environment protection, fertiliser, and sawdust shaping industries.

Zhengchang is more than a professional partner who can provide advanced machinery, technology and management ideas. It is also a true problem solver who knows you well enough to oversee your development.

Zhengchang is with you every step of the way.

Compared with its traditional pellet mill, the SZLH528 optimizes its paddle’s structure and distribution, which can make materials fully mixed while providing a sufficiently long conditioning time, with improved cooking and mixing effects. It adopts a gear-type driving system and achieves a production output 15 percent more efficient than belt conveyors.

The innovative design of the gear box and driving system make the transmission more stable and reliable. Chute structure and automatic discharging system have also been improved. Features such as outer oil lubrication, anti-blockage die holes and pneumatic outer discharge of material ensure the equipment works safely and tightly attaining high levels of hygiene and free of leaks. The main shaft temperature alarm system improves the stability of the main drive.

The gears use top quality steel, giving them a life of more than 30,000 hours.  The SPHS218F produces a variety of high-grade extruded aquaculture feeds, pet foods and sinking fish feed. It is widely used in the following areas: extruding of bullfrog feed, weever feed, shrimp feed and crab feed. It uses a high-precision inverter, feeds more evenly than regular feeders, has high capacity, better stability and easy access.
Employing a user-friendly design for steam and water injection, it can detect flow on-line and add liquid accordingly. The special design of mixing shaft and blade effectively improves maturity level and mixing evenness. It can add up to 30 percent water and steam which can be evenly mixed. High hardness, wear-resistant alloy screws and bushing greatly improve the service life of the parts subjected to the greatest wear. 
  As a professional supplier of pellet mills and a machine manufacturer, we try to supply our customers with the most up-to-date machines and most effective and careful after-sale services.

Visit the website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

19/05/2016: Kemin launches Lysoforte® Liquid and revolutionises application of bio-surfactants

Kemin has launched Lysoforte® Liquid, a bio-surfactant, which revolutionises the application process by directly dosing the bio-surfactant into the oil and fat application line. 
Lysoforte® Liquid standardises the natural variation in the energy value of oils and fats and improves the digestion and absorption of nutrients in feed, making Lysoforte® Liquid one of the most cost-effective bio-surfactants on the market. The product has been launched in Europe, Middle East, India and in a number of markets in Asia. The product will launch in additional countries upon registration.

Lysoforte® Liquid is a naturally derived liquid bio-surfactant that is added directly into the oil or fat line during feed production. Mixing the bio-surfactant with the oil and fats early enhances its efficacy and helps standardise the energy value of the oil, in combination with the well-known effects of Lysoforte® on nutrient digestion and absorption.

“This is a situation where we took something that was working well and made it even better,” explained Dr Monika Bieber, Lead Global Platform Manager.

“Traditionally bio-surfactants are added as a dry product to the mixer with other feed raw materials. Their benefits to improve various steps in lipid digestion, such as emulsification, hydrolysis and nutrient absorption are well known. Consequently, the addition of a bio-surfactant leads to a better utilisation of the energy from feed raw materials, resulting in improved feed conversion ratios, lower production costs and improved profitability.”
Image: Arctic Wolf
Like many raw materials, lipids come from a wide variety of sources and are prone to large variations in their nutritional value. In recent years, Kemin laboratories have been analysing numerous oil and fat samples using the Lipid Evaluation Test, which provides nutritionists with accurate lipid profiles, and characterises the apparent metabolisable energy (AME) values and oxidative status.

The analyses performed by Kemin scientists have reported up to 30-percent variation in AME values for a single oil type. Trials have demonstrated that applying the liquid bio-surfactant reduces the natural variability of oils and fats. As proven through the Lipid Evaluation Test, Lysoforte® Liquid increases feed formulation accuracy and, in turn, increases feed cost savings.

An application system is made available to assist customers with the application of Lysoforte® Liquid. This state-of-the-art system was created by a team of engineers who worked to make applying the liquid product directly into the oil and fat line easy and convenient at the feed mill.

Over the last years, the benefits of bio-surfactants to enhance lipid digestion have become well accepted in the feed industry. With the launch of Lysoforte® Liquid, Kemin demonstrates its leadership in the lipid nutrition area and its commitment to bring novel solutions to the feed industry to support its customers by improving and optimising lipid nutrition and increasing profitability.

Learn more HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

19/05/2016: Unibio signs its first commercial licence agreement

After years of development of its U-Loop technology, Unibio is ready to take a giant step forward. Unibio has signed its first licence agreement with a commercial client.

A full-size commercial plant having multiple U-Loop fermentors is planned for construction and commissioning in 2017. The aim of the agreement is to expand this capacity in the following years. Unibio has received an attractive upfront payment and is further incentivised by an attractive revenue stream in the years to come following successful commissioning of the plant. A revenue stream expectedly counted in millions of dollars over the next ten years. The aim is to supply the European and Russian markets with Unibio’s premium protein product UniProtein®.
The megatrends are very clear. The world needs sustainable solutions to the food challenge of the century. How can we feed a growing world population when agricultural land per capital is decreasing? And how can we do it in a sustainable way without destroying the planet? Part of the solution lies with Unibio. Converting methane to food, using a cheap and abundant resource as natural gas, is key to solving this challenge – basically what Unibio does is to integrate the energy and food systems to address this challenge.

Henrik Busch-Larsen, the CEO of Unibio, says: “We recently had a ground-breaking ceremony in Kalundborg, Denmark, where we are constructing a demonstration and production plant, and we are of course very excited to announce the construction of a large commercial plant already”.

Unibio inaugurated its pilot plant located at the Chemical Engineering department of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in October last year, where the Danish minister of Energy, Climate and Utilities, Lars Chr Lilleholt, was a key-note speaker.

Shortly after, the company won the Ernst & Young competition Entrepreneur of the Year within the Life Sciences category. The new partner, participating in the event, sees the collaboration with DTU as a very strong asset. In general Denmark holds great expertise within fermentation technology, and DTU works in close cooperation with large Danish companies within the fermentation industry, such as eg Novozymes and Novo Nordisk.

Henrik Busch-Larsen, the CEO of Unibio, continues: “We see the collaboration with this new partner as a natural step forward in the development of the company and technology and thus welcome our new partner into the Unibio family. We look forward to the construction of the plant and to bringing our premium protein product UniProtein® to the market. The coming months are going to be very exciting for the company”.      

Visit the Unibio site HERE

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

19/05/2016: NOAH welcomes protection of antibiotics for animals and people

Today’s publication of ‘Tackling Drug Resistant Infections Globally: Final Report and Recommendations’, by Lord Jim O’Neill, is a global landmark in the fight to keep antibiotics effective for both animals and people, says NOAH, which represents the UK animal medicines sector.

NOAH Chief Executive Dawn Howard says:  “We endorse the proposal for incentives to develop innovative new treatments and better diagnostics: these must include the veterinary sector, so that animal medicines are available to treat the diseases that vets and farmers encounter.  Improving the availability and uptake of vaccines, which is also proposed, can reduce the need for antibiotics. Veterinary surgeons need access to a range of medicines, including antibiotics, in order to treat the conditions and species under their care and support the high standards of animal welfare our society expects.

“The Report’s call for improved surveillance will build on work already being undertaken within the different livestock sectors, for example in the UK poultry and pig sectors. Targets to reduce antibiotic use must be based on an understanding of why and where antibiotics are currently used, and we welcome the Report’s suggestion that careful consideration must be given to how any target setting will be done.  Once the facts have been established, resources can then be focussed on areas where change is most needed to reduce any unnecessary use.

“It is important to remember that in the UK – and indeed throughout the EU, veterinary antibiotics are only available on veterinary prescription and have been banned as growth promoters since 2006,” she adds.
Image: Norsk Havbrukssenter
The Report recommends restrictions on certain antibiotics for veterinary use. 
“NOAH believes that any such decisions must be based on independent regulatory officials’ expert opinions and must follow the agreed regulatory process – such as the recent EMA (European Medicines Agency) re-evaluation of the veterinary use of colistin,” Dawn Howard says.

“Any changes need to be given a realistic timeframe in order that animal welfare is not compromised – something the report itself acknowledges,” she adds.

“We also fully support the Report’s call for a global public awareness campaign of this ‘One Health’ issue involving both human and animal health to improve understanding and compliance. This is a global report for a global problem, with practical recommendations and calls to action, both on the international stage and here in the UK.”

Dawn Howard concludes: “The UK animal medicines sector looks forward to its role in implementing the Report’s recommendations by being part of the collaboration between UK government and industry, to develop practical proposals so that antibiotics remain effective to protect the health of people and animals into the future.”
Read the report HERE

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

18/05/2016: Parasite control in European farmed finfish

ParaFishControl aims to develop advanced tools and research strategies for parasite control in European farmed finfish 
First published in International Aquafeed, March-April 2016
ParaFishControl (Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish) is a €8.1 million European Union Horizon 2020-funded research project that aims to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of the European aquaculture industry by improving our understanding of fishparasite interactions and developing innovative solutions and tools to prevent, control and mitigate harmful parasites which affect the main finfish species farmed in Europe (Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, common carp, turbot, European sea bass, and gilthead sea bream). ParaFishControl addresses the most harmful parasitic species affecting either one or more of these six fish hosts.

Aquaculture is the fastest growing animal food production sector worldwide, currently providing half of all aquatic animals for human consumption. If responsibly developed and practiced, aquaculture can generate lasting benefits for global food security and economic growth. However, the aquaculture industry faces a number of challenges to its progress including the significant issue of disease outbreaks.

Financial losses due to disease outbreaks are estimated at 20% of total production value, and parasites and related infections are increasingly responsible for such diseases. Economic losses inflicted by parasites accrue from direct mortalities, morbidity, poor growth performance, low reproduction efficacy, increased susceptibility to other diseases, high cost of treatments and decreased value or marketability of fish products.

Exact data on the economic impact of parasites in aquaculture is scarce but it is estimated that the highest economic cost for parasite control in European aquaculture amasses from sea lice infecting Atlantic salmon, the main farmed fish species in Europe. European nations and associates spend €170 million annually to control sea lice, with annual global losses estimated to exceed €300 million. Parasites can also affect the end users of aquaculture products and therefore their monitoring and eradication are essential for ensuring the safety of European consumers.

Read the full article in International Aquafeed HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

Dinnissen company profile


With over 150 permanent employees and an extensive network of agents all over the world, Dinnissen is a global player in the feed, food, pharma and chemical sectors. We are always looking for new and innovative solutions for complete processes, system integrations or standard products – many of which we develop, test and produce in-house!
Visit the website HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

18/05/2016: VAKI at Aquaculture UK

VAKI will be at Aquaculture UK in Aviemore, Scotland next week (on 25 – 26 May 2016).
Aquaculture UK is truly an international event where visitors from 30 countries come to foster and grow customer relations and to discover latest products and developments in the industry.

VAKI will announce some very exciting news at their stand. They look forward to having the opportunity to meet many of the company's very good customers. They welcome you to their stand where they can show and discuss their latest developments.
Visit them at their stand, No. 62, and see:

For hatcheries
For ongrowing
  • New powerful interface for biomassdaily
For wellboats Service and support At the VAKI stand you will meet staff members from Iceland, Norway, Scotland and Chile. The employees will be in a particularly good mood, as VAKI is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. They look forward to seeing you in Aviemore.

Visit the VAKI site HERE and the Aquaculture UK site HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news

18/05/2016: New Roto-Disc II spherical valve has outlet flange common to valve size

Roto-Disc, Inc, now offers a spherical valve for applications where the valve outlet has to mate to a downstream flange that matches the valve’s inlet orifice.  
When provided with an optional Inlet Flange Adaptor, the Roto-Disc II can mate to common ANSI 150# Flanges on both the inlet and discharge side, eliminating the need for flange and piping transitions while maintaining a full-orifice valve solution. Typical applications include hopper fill & discharge, blender discharge, loss-in-weight feeder re-fill, bulk-bag unloading and other gravity or low-pressure applications. 
Like the Roto-Disc, the Roto-Disc II slices through material build-up and wipes itself clean with each cycle. The sealing surfaces are not exposed to the flow of material and there are no hidden places inside for material to build-up. The valve maintains all other essential features of the original Roto-Disc spherical valve and all spare parts are interchangeable with equivalent sized Roto-Disc valves.
The Roto-Disc II can be supplied in Airlock/Double-Dump assemblies for processing material into and out of differential pressure environments. Roto-Disc also offers a full line of splitter/convergers and piping and flange process transitions. 
Learn more HERE.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by
Perendale Publishers Ltd

For additional daily news from aquaculture around the world: aquaculture-news