Over the past five years, production of fish in the Peruvian Amazon has increased sixfold, while fish consumption increased by over 300 per cent, according to a report by the Institute for Amazonian Research (IIAP). The development of aquaculture was the main cause for this substantial growth in production, which increased from 2.5 million fish five years ago to a total of over 15 million fish this year.
Luis Campos, president of the IIAP, predicts that "in the coming years, production can easily increase to 60 million fish per year due to the development of new investment in the country's Amazon region," he told the news agency Andina. The main species produced in the region are: gamitada, paco, boquichico, tilapia, yaraquí, carp, sabalo and paiche. The head of IIAP also reported that per capita consumption of fish in the Peruvian Amazon rose by 9 kilos in the last five years, rising from an annual average of four kilos to 13 kilos. Read more..
This blog is written by Martin Little The Aquaculturists, published and supported by the International Aquafeed Magazine from Perendale Publishers.
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